10 Easy Tips of How to Tighten Your Skin after Weight Loss
Weight Loss

10 Easy Tips of How to Tighten Your Skin after Weight Loss


We have a dream to look perfect and beautiful to earn praise from our social circle. We do things to achieve this, and most of us undergo restraining exercises and surgery. It causes a large amount of weight loss and results in hanging skin on the body. Although we are happy with our achievements, our distorted body image makes us depressed and sad.

Obese people suffered emotional distress in the past. They feel very depressed as they are far from their desired physique. Their self-esteem is a bit low, and they lose hope and isolate themselves from social life. We are here to give hope and tell them they can get the ideal physique by reducing the extra skin mass. This article shares 10 easy tips to tighten your skin after weight loss.

Causes Of Lossen Skin After Weight Loss

Skin is considered the body's largest organ that protects from environmental conditions. The skin is composed of two layers:

  • The outer layer protects the body from the elements.
  • The inner layer provides skin support, strength, and elasticity.

The inner layer of the skin consists of proteins, including elastin and collagen. Collagen makes up 80% of skin structure and provides firmness and support. Elastin can provide elasticity and tightness to the skin. Any harm to the inner layer of the skin can cause the loss of the skin.

The skin is stretched and allows for increased growth in the abdomen and other body parts during the weight gain process. The best example of this is pregnancy. The belly starts to grow for a few months causing skin expansion, and after delivery, the skin will retract in a few months. But obese and overweight people carry extra weight for a long time. It can damage the elastin and collagen fiber, and the skin loses tightness and firmness. They lose their ability to retract.

Therefore, those who shed weight after bariatric surgery have their excess skin hanging on their bodies. So the more the weight loss, the more susceptible the skin effect.

Factor Effect That Elasticity of The Skin

There are several factors responsible for loose skin elasticity, including weight loss:

1- Length of time overweight

An individual who has been overweight or obese for a long time may have more loose skin after weight loss. The skin stretches out as an increase in weight. It also causes stretch marks which show that skin stretch to its off-limits. Due to permanent damage to elastin and collagen, the skin may lose its elasticity and firmness.

2- Amount Of Weight Loss

A weight loss of 100 pounds (46kg) or more will result in an excess amount of skin hanging on the body. The skin stretch as the body mass increase and a sudden reduction in the mass leave draped skin.

3- Age

As we grow older, the skin elasticity may reduce with time. After you reach the age of 20 body produces one percent less collagen each year. Collagen provides support and tightness to the skin. The elastin fiber also gets weak with age and provides firmness to the skin. It makes your skin looks thinner and fragile with age. It also causes the wrinkles to be noticeable.

4- Bariatric Surgery

The person may lose 100 pounds or more weight due to surgical procedures. People who undergo bariatric surgery may shed several pounds after the surgical procedure. They have sagging skin around the abdomen, upper arms, and buttocks. 70% of people report excessive skin after bariatric surgery. The collagen becomes thinner, which makes skin dangling. Also, the elastin fiber is weak to support the skin and makes it saggy.

5- Skin Health

The weather conditions such as sunlight may affect skin health. The UV rays may damage the skin and cause age spots and wrinkles on prolonged exposure. Exposure to sunlight may reduce the ability to produce elastin and collagen and causes damage to the skin. 

6- Smoking

Smoking can accelerate the aging process and cause pre-aging of the skin. Smoking reduces the production of collagen and elastin. Nicotine is the main compound present in cigarettes. It causes the narrowing of blood vessels preventing oxygen and other nutrients from the skin. Also, it damages the existing collagen and elastin and causes the dangling of the skin. The damage to the skin can't be reversible. But, if you stop smoking prevents it from getting more worse.

Problems Related To Excess Loose Skin

Shedding more than 100 pounds can cause the hanging of skin on the body. The dangling skin cause not only physical discomfort but also affects emotional and aesthetic aspects.

1- Physical Discomfort

The dangling skin may cause difficulty in performing the daily routine. The physical discomfort may also produce an impact on mental health. The person gets emotional with excessive skin that interferes with doing simple tasks. It is very uncomfortable for the person. A study of 360 adults shows that this problem occurred in people who lost more than 110 pounds (50 kg). Excessive skin cause difficulty in taking a bath, walking, and other general activities. It causes skin flapping and the unwanted attention of other people in public.

2- Decrease Physical Activity

In a study, 26 women who lost weight after bariatric surgery had hanging skin. Over 45% of women reported reduced physical activity due to skin flapping and unwanted gazes from people. And 80% of women said excessive skin cause interference in daily activity and difficulty doing physical exercise. It may increase the chances of weight gain again. Exercise is necessary to improve the after-effects of bariatric surgery. Less mobility or lack of exercise may lead to devastating conditions. It also may reverse the weight loss process, which is a terrible thing.

3- Skin Irritations

After weight loss, many people also report skin irritation, pain, ulcer, and infections. After losing weight, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Damage to collagen and elastin fibers makes skin thin and fragile. It is more susceptible to infections. The overlapping of hanging skin layers may cause friction resulting in rash and pain. In a study, 124 people requested plastic surgery to tighten dangling skin after weight. 44 % report skin ulcers, pain, and infection due to loose skin.

4- Poor Body Image

Body image matters for better social well-being and benefits. A person tries to isolate themself from society if any mishaps occur to him/her saggy. The person reduces weight to look better and live a healthy life. But after the weight loss, excessive skin makes the appearance less acceptable. It may cause psychological trauma for some people. They have very low self-esteem and confidence as they face body shaming from childhood. It is challenging for some people and makes them more liable for the goal weight.

However, a person with excessive skin needs help and support from family and friends that keep them motivated. A study in a group of 20 people who lost weight after bariatric surgery showed depression, self-isolation, and difficulties in having a physical relationship. In worse cases, this ultimate depression may lead to suicide attempts also.

Natural Ways to Tighten Loose Skin

1- Body Take Time To Adjust

After losing weight, the body takes some time to adjust. Small changes in your lifestyle can transform your body from obese to fit. In this healthy approach, you may find some hurdles like loose skin. If you naturally lose weight, the chances of loose skin are a bit low. But after bariatric surgery, the amount of losing weight is high, which may leave behind greater skin mass. The skin has the power to stretch to its off-limits and strain back again into the same shape.

Naturally, losing weight gives enough time for the skin to stress back. The damage to collagen and elastin fiber is less than the massive weight loss. The skin heals itself with time. New collagen and elastin fibers growth has stimulated the replacement of the damaged and old collagen and elastin fibers. Bariatric surgery may leave excess pounds of skin after significant weight loss that is not disappearing with time. The skin needs time to heal back itself, and in that case, it takes much more time. Maybe the damage to the fibers is not reversible, and you have to look for further options.

2- Build Some Muscles

After losing weight, building some muscles with physical restraining exercise is good. It is better to turn the loose skin into lean muscle mass. Besides a good physique, adding lean muscle to your body has many benefits. First of all, you are burning calories while doing the restraining exercise. Lean muscle directly influences metabolism and weight control. The muscles are continuously burning fat even you are relaxing on the couch. The more you build muscles, the more you manage your weight and have a good metabolism.

Second, the muscle fills the gaps, and excess skin happens to sag. The rigid, flexible fiber composed of protein makes the muscle mass. Protein is an essential building block of tissues. When we injure, our body borrows protein from our muscles to repair the damage. The lean muscle reduces the risk of falls and injury. People with greater lean muscle mass have a higher bone mineral density. The strong bones prevent falls and injuries, and muscle supports the joints.

It increases strength and mobility and reduces the loss of muscle mass with age. Building lean muscles also improves the quality of life. It positively influences emotional and mental health and reduces stress and depression. The individual gets peaceful sleep, performs better physical tasks, and has high self-esteem. Choose the best training program that suits you. It takes years of training to achieve a well-defined physique. If this is not your cup of tea, do weekly sessions with light weights.

3- Do Yoga

You can do Yoga to relieve stress and tighten your saggy skin after weight loss. Specific Yoga positions can change the loose tummy into flat quads. You can have weekly sessions of cardio Yoga to tighten your flappy skin. Cardio Yoga is a famous exercise style that Yoga has incorporated with cardiovascular exercise. Unlike traditional, Yoga focuses on the pose, breathing techniques, and meditation.

Cardio Yoga emphasizes the dynamic movements that increase the intensity and elevate your heart rate. Cardio Yoga workouts involve quicker pace movements with a continuous flow to engage more muscles and challenge the cardiovascular system. You can do cardio Yoga at your home, at the Yoga studio, or, maybe, with a virtual class. The good thing is about this Yoga you don't need fancy equipment.

4- Add Collagen to Your Diet

Collagen is a complex, insoluble, and fibrous protein that covers the body's one-thrid. It makes 80% of the skin structure and provides firmness, elasticity, and strength. It is naturally produced by combining amino acids, the building blocks of protein in food. As you grow old, the breakdown of existing collagen occurs with decreased collagen production. Some people use collagen supplements to tighten up the loose skin.

Collagen has naturally found in:

  • Proline: Egg White, Dairy, Cabbage, Mushroom, Asparagus.
  • Glycine: Pork Skin, Chicken Skin, Gelatin, and other Protein-rich Foods.
  • Vitamin C: Citrus Fruits and Bell Peppers
  • Zinc: Beef, Lamb, Pork, Shellfish, Chickpeas, Lentils, Beans, Milk, Cheese, Nuts, and Seeds.
  • Copper: Organ meat, Cashew, Coco-powder, Sesame seed, and Lentils.
  • Bone broth

You can have collagen through these foods added to your diet. The higher collagen intake will lessen the saggy skin and increase firmness.

5- Hydrate Yourself

Your body has made from 60% of water. The body loses water from sweating, urination, and other bodily functions throughout the day. It has advised drinking at least 8-glasses of water per day. Water is essential in vitalizing skin and keeping it healthy and tight. The water makes up 30 percent of your skin. Drinking water day in and day out can help to tighten the sagging skin. It is a slow process and takes a lot of time. Water helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness in many ways.

Water has a neutral pH and keeps the skin healthy and fresh. It is vital to maintain the pH balance of the skin. The skin pH shows the moisture content present in the skin. The high moisture content in the skin makes your skin healthy, firm, and tight. Water may help to maintain the elasticity of the skin. People who drink a large amount of water have fewer scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. Drinking water helps in preventing the aging of the skin.

The saggy skin has a low moisture content, dehydrated and dry. Water can hydrate the skin and keeps it moist. Water cleans the toxins and prevents the chances of getting skin disease. Daily drinking a sufficient amount of water can help to tighten up the loose skin. Also, clean your skin with fresh water twice a day to add more moisture to the skin.

6- Massage

Massage of the loose skin may help to tighten up the skin. Massage stimulates the fibroblasts and increases the blood flow. Fibroblasts are found in connective tissues and help to heal the wound. Fibroblasts secrets collagen and elastin that make the structural framework of many tissues. Fibroblast helps to maintain skin firmness with the production of collagen and elastin.

Some study shows that massage also improves mitochondrial production. The mitochondrial is also known as the powerhouse of the cell. It generates energy to perform cellular functions. Mitochondria play a vital role in tissue and cellular metabolism. It has correlated with the aging of the skin.

A study in 2017 found that a mild massage device used to tighten skin for one minute twice a day for 10-days increased the expression of the skin molecules, such as pro-collagen 1, fibrillin, and tropoelastin. Tropoelastin and fibrillin are the glycoproteins required for the production of elastin fiber. The massage enhances the factors to produce collagen and elastin. It may tighten the loose skin and makes it firm.

7- Nutrients That Help Collagen

Several nutrients can help collagen production and increase skin firmness and elasticity. Some of them are:

1- Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids produce the factors required for collagen production. Omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods can help to tighten the loose skin. Fatty fishes such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, oysters, and herring are rich in omega-3. These fatty fish also help maintain weight loss and protect heart health. Plant-based foods are chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts are good options for the keto diet.

2- Antioxidants

Antioxidants and antioxidative enzymes help to reduce the sagging of the skin. The antioxidants reduce the oxidative stress of cells by neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS compounds can damage collagen production. Antioxidants enhance collagen and elastin growth. The antioxidants are naturally present in the food as essential nutrients:

  • Vitamin A, C, D, and E
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Most people can take their antioxidants from their diet by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It reduces the chances of getting side effects from vitamin intake. Taking vitamins for a long time may produce side effects like nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

8- Firming Products

Many firming products like creams, gel, and patches are available for the tropical treatment of loose skin. The firming products that contain retinoids are the best choice for the treatment. Retinoids are the chemical derivatives of vitamin A and include:

  • Tretinoin
  • Retinoic acid
  • Adapalene

Retinoids are known as potent antioxidants that may boost collagen formation. Retinoids have a small molecular structure, which allows them to penetrate deep into the skin. It can accelerate cell renewal and repair by effectively stimulating collagen production.

Hyaluronic acid is another compound that helps the skin in the following ways:

  • Reduces the depth of wrinkles
  • Increases the firmness of the skin
  • Diminishes skin roughness

Firming products that contain hyaluronic acid are found effective against saggy skin. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and keeps it radiant. It retains moisture within the skin and reduces dryness. It also has an antioxidant property that enhances collagen production and repairs skin cells. The firming products consider less effective than other skin-tighten means. It has been used for the treatment of minor cases of loose skin.

9- Body-Contouring Surgery

Surgery is the most common options people use to tighten loose skin after bariatric surgery. In body-contouring procedures, the plastic surgeon makes a large incision and cuts the excess skin. The surgeon may remove the excess skin and fat together. They lift the remaining tissue and reshape it with stitches. The surgeon will suture the incision with delicate stitches to minimize scarring. The body-contouring procedures performed commonly are:

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck): Removal of the abdominal skin.
  • Brachioplasty (Arm lift): skin removed from the upper arm.
  • Upper-Body Lift: Remove skin from the belly, buttocks, hips, and thighs.
  • Lower-Body Lift: Removal of skin from the breast and back.
  • Medial Thigh Lift: Removal of skin from the inner and outer thigh.

According to the amount of excess skin present on the body, multiple surgeries are performed within time. Isolate one part of the body for the surgery may be one or multiple. The body-contouring surgery performs after a year or two of weight loss. It requires a stay at the hospital for 2 to four days. After surgery, it takes two to four weeks to recover at home. There may be a chance of complications in surgery or after surgery, like bleeding and infection.

10- Alternative Medical Procedures

Alternative medical procedures include less invasive methods. Body-contouring surgery is a common way to remove excess skin after weight loss. But some people go for less invasive procedures with a lower risk of complications. 

1- Vela Shape

The treatment involves using a combination of infrared, radiofrequency, and massage to reduce the excess skin. It can lead to significant reductions in the abdomen and upper arm.

2- Ultrasound

The ultrasound works on the deepest layers of the skin. Most people report the lifting and tightening of loose skin within the 2-6 months of their first treatment. The result from the ultrasound lasts for one year.