How Apple Cider Vinegar Helps to Lose Weight
Weight Loss

How Apple Cider Vinegar Helps to Lose Weight


You may hear of the apple cider diet; it sounds weird. But proponents of this diet claim an effective weight loss and several other health benefits. Apple cider vinegar has traditionally been used as a home remedy to treat sore throat and varicose veins. Recent studies show its effects on weight loss or mass reduction. It assumes that one cup of apple cider vinegar before meals can help reduce body weight.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar has several health benefits that may enhance the quality of life. These benefits include:

  • It is a natural antiseptic that can treat fungus, warts, sunburns, insect bites, and disinfect wounds.
  • It enhances the skin's health, making it lighter, clear, and glow.
  • Improves the growth and shine of the hairs and treats scalp infections and dandruff.
  • It is high in antioxidants that slow the ageing process and reduce the risk of cancer and inflammation.
  • It is helpful in diabetes type-2 to maintain blood sugar levels.

Plus, apple cider vinegar is a low-carb and low-calorie drink that makes it convenient for a weight loss diet. In this article, we share complete detail about apple cider vinegar. You will learn from preparing homemade vinegar to its benefits, side effects, and how you can add it to your diet.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is an apple juice prepared from crushed Apple pieces. The liquid undergoes further two-step fermentation. It is a traditional method that may take one month to complete the fermentation process. Whereas fermentation in industrial production is speeding up by some means, taking only one day.

Homemade Apple Cider

Apple cider vinegar is easily prepared at home by following simple steps:

1- Selection of Quality Apples

The selection of the quality of apples may affect the taste of apple cider vinegar. Choose the best quality apple to produce the best flavor of apple cider vinegar. For complex and luscious flavor, sweet and sour apples can use in combination, like two apples of Golden Delicious or Gala with two apples of sharp taste of Mcintosh or Liberty. Use scraps for making apple cider vinegar as one whole apple is equivalent to the scrapes of two apples.

2- Washing

After choosing the variety of apples, wash them in cold water to avoid contamination in the apple cider vinegar. If you are using scraps, rinse the whole apple thoroughly in the water before peeling them.

3- Cutting

Cut the washed apples into cubes to increase the surface area for the fermentation. Scrapes are also cut into small pieces for faster fermentation.

4- Putting in the Glass Jar

The glass jar with a wide mouth can be used to make apple cider vinegar. The glass jar and its lid are first sterilized with boiling water. The apple cubes not be filled with more than 3/4 portion of the glass jar. Stainless steel cannot be used for fermentation as it impacts the metallic taste in the vinegar.

5- Adding Water

The glass jar is filled with water to cover the apple cubes completely. The water will prevent the rot of apple cubes. Filtered and mineral water are used for pure apple cider vinegar. For a quart jar, 800 millilitres of water has used.

6- Adding Sugar

Approximately one teaspoon of sugar is added to the mixture for fermentation. Stir the sugar in the solution of apple cubes and water for the best results. The sugar will react with apple cubes and produces alcohol through the process of fermentation.

7- Cover the Jar

Cover the glass jar mouth with cheesecloth with the help of the rubber band. The fermented apple cubes need oxygen for the second step of fermentation. It also helps to release the gases produced during the process of fermentation.

8- Fermentation

Keep the covered glass jar in a warm and dark place for further fermentation. It should not be touched for a long time. The alcohol will undergo the second fermentation process and convert into vinegar.

9- Stirring

Stir the mixture daily once or twice to enhance the fermentation process. Use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture once or twice daily for the first two weeks. Make sure all apples are submerged in the water, or use a fermentation stone to weigh them down. It is okay to miss a day, but you must keep moving the mixture around regularly. Leave the cider for fermentation into vinegar for 5 to 6 weeks and stir it after 3 to 4 days. Meanwhile, the scent of cider turns from sweet into a tangy aroma, confirming the fermentation has carried in the right direction.

10- Filtration and Storage

Filter the mixture in a clean, sterilized glass jar with a tight lid. Store the glass jar in the fridge to stop further fermentation. Add a few drops of water if you want strong vinegar. If a gelatinous blog has formed on the mixture surface, don't worry about that. This blog can be used as a mother for further apple cider vinegar batches.

Nutritional Facts

Apple cider vinegar contains several vitamins and minerals that improve body health. The main components of apple cider vinegar are:

  • Acetic acid
  • Citric Acid

The nutritional ingredients are:

  • Pectin
  • Vitamin B1
  • VitaminB2
  • VitaminB6
  • Biotin
  • Folic Acid
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Polyphenols
  • Aminoacids

How does it Help in Weight Loss?

The proponents of apple cider vinegar claim its beneficial effects on weight loss in several ways. Acetic acid, the core component of apple cider vinegar, is responsible for weight reduction through different mechanisms in animals and humans.

Animal Studies Results

The animal studies of acetic acid show the following results:

Lower blood sugar levels: The study shows that acetic acid improves the liver's ability and muscles to take up glucose.

Decrease insulin levels: The results show that acetic acid reduces insulin ratio to glucogen, which may aid in weight loss.

Improves metabolism: The study shows that acetic acid increases the production of the enzyme AMPK. That causes decreased fat and sugar production in the liver and increases fat burning.

Reduces fat storage: The obese rats show reduced belly fat and liver fat when exposed to acetic acid.

Burn fat: A study in mice with high-fat diet supplements and acetic acid shows the increased response of the gene responsible for fat burn.

Suppresses appetite: The study shows the acetic acid suppression of the center in the brain that controls the appetite and food intake. These studies on rats for promising effects of acetic acid on humans required further research and clinical trials.

Human Studies Results and Mechanism

The acetic acid studies on humans produce the following results for weight loss:

A low-calorie drink: Apple cider vinegar is a low-calorie drink perfect for a zero or low-carb diet. A 100gm of apple cider vinegar contains only 22 calories. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water early in the morning may shed belly fat.

Suppresses fat accumulation: A study conducted in 2009 on 175 Japanese people consuming 0, 1, or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily for three months has widely been quoted as weight loss through apple cider vinegar. The result shows that people taking 2 tablespoons of vinegar reduces the 2 to 4 pounds and low triglyceride level. People taking one tablespoon reduces little weight compared to no vinegar or two tablespoons of vinegar.


Apple cider vinegar promotes weight loss by the following mechanisms:

It helps to keep you full: Apple cider vinegar keeps you full and decreases your craving for food. If taking shots of apple cider vinegar before every meal gives the feeling of fullness faster. You eat less helps to lose weight through apple cider vinegar.

Manage blood sugar level: Apple cider vinegar maintains blood sugar levels after high carbs meals. The control of blood sugar levels helps to manage cravings, and portion control results in fewer calorie consumption.

Enhances metabolism: The liver and muscle take more sugar to convert into energy to improve metabolism, which amides the weight loss process.

Decrease insulin levels: After a high-carb meal, the acetic acid decreases insulin levels through the delayed stomach empty. It leads to more absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and helps in weight loss.

Suppresses appetite: Proponents of apple cider vinegar claim that apple cider vinegar suppresses curbs appetite and reduces belly fat.

Improves digestion: Good digestion is key to the weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar improves digestion as it contains probiotics that increase the growth of intestinal bacteria flora. The beneficial gut bacteria take all nutrients from food and increase digestion which helps in weight loss.

Health Benefits

Besides amides in weight loss, apple cider vinegar has several health benefits:


Apple cider vinegar decreases the blood insulin levels that are helpful in type-2 diabetes. It may use for the prevention of diabetes for individuals having a family history of diabetes. Diabetes type-2 is associated with a high blood level of insulin caused by insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin.

However, people without type-2 diabetes can also maintain their blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels may lead to various chronic diseases and ageing. The healthiest and most effective way to regulate blood sugar levels is to avoid refined carbs and sugar is low-carb consumption.

Suppose you are taking insulin or prescribed drugs related to lowering blood sugar. In that case, you must consult your doctor before taking any vinegar. The apple cider vinegar drops the potassium level, which may cause some problems.

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It reduces blood pressure by controlling the secretion of the renin hormone produced by the kidneys. It is responsible for the construction and dilatation of the blood vessels. The blood pressure rises when blood vessels are constructed. Apple cider vinegar keeps the blood vessel relaxed, which regulates blood pressure in a normal range, and no rise will occur.

As for cholesterol levels, a shot of apple cider vinegar before a meal may reduce cholesterol levels. It increases triglycerides and HDL( good cholesterol) and decreases LDL( bad cholesterol). That directly improves heart health and prevents strokes, heart attacks, and other heart-related conditions.

Natural Antibiotic

Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic properties and is effective in treating infections and killing bacteria. It was traditionally used for disinfecting wounds and treating nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections in ancient times. It is used as a preservative to inhibit bacteria like E-coli are responsible for spoiling food. It is a natural preservative much better than an artificial one.


Apple cider vinegar helps reduce cancer risk and slow down cancer cell growth. It increases the PH of the blood that kills the cancer cells. Studies suggest that cancer cells are not grown in alkaline pHthis concept has been used to treat cancer. The blood pH is between 7.35 to 7.45, and the body has its system to regulate blood pH. So it is difficult to change the blood pH through the diet. It is not necessary to treat cancer with household vinegar even though it is effective against cancer.

Reduce Inflammation

Apple cider vinegar has antioxidant properties that may reduce inflammation or related medical conditions. It may help to reduce symptoms in medical conditions such as:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis

However, there is no evidence found in studies that suggest the use of apple cider vinegar as a therapy for the above inflammatory conditions.


Apple cider vinegar improves digestion which is a key to a healthy life. It may help to treat dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis, and acid reflux. Proper digestion means the required level of acid produced in the stomach causes the brokedown of food substances. It helps is necessary for the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Apple cider vinegar has good laxative properties that may improve bowel health.

Hair and Skin

Apple cider vinegar can use as a toner, face wash, and spot treatment. It tightens the skin cells, prevents wrinkles, and protects the skin from harmful environmental elements. Apple cider vinegar lightens up the skin and enhances the glow. Apple cider vinegar help to strengthen the hair and improves lustre by lowering hair and scalp pH. Apple cider vinegar may be beneficial for hair and the skin in the following ways:

  • It treats and reduces the prevalence of acne.
  • It has anti-ageing properties as it contains antioxidants.
  • It heals the sunburn.
  • Exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells.
  • It helps to remove skin tags.
  • It enhances hair health.
  • It treats dandruff.
  • It reduces the frizz.
  • Protective against hair tangles.
  • It helps to retain moisture in hair by sealing hair cuticles.
  • It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that fight against scalp infections, dryness, and itchiness.
  • It helps against the hair split ends.
  • It increases hair shine.

Other Health Benefits

Apple cider vinegar also has some potential health effects:

  • It helps for the detoxification of the body.
  • It provides relief for leg cramps.
  • It treats the insect bite when exposed to the affected area.
  • It helps slow the ageing process and reduces the oxidative stress of cells.
  • It prevents the formation of free radicals responsible for cancer and inflammation.

Side Effects

Apple cider vinegar exhibits side effects if used in large amounts or for a longer time:

Lower potassium levels: Apple cider vinegar may reduce the potassium levels too low. It causes the excretion of potassium through the kidneys. Suppose you are using apple cider vinegar for a long-time for weight loss. In that case, you must take electrolytes to balance the potassium levels.

Cause diarrhea and dehydration: Apple cider vinegar is a potent laxative, and excessive intake may cause irregular bowel movements, leading to diarrhea and dehydration.

Cause nausea and bloating: Apple cider vinegar may cause gastroparesis, a condition associated with delayed stomach emptying. The food stays in the stomach too long and causes heartburn, bloating, and nausea. This condition is common in people with diabetes type-1

Cause dental erosion: Apple cider vinegar may cause the erosion of teeth enamel. The acetic acid in vinegar weakens dental enamel and may cause the loss of minerals and tooth decay.

Cause throat burns: Apple cider vinegar may cause throat burns in children due to acetic acid.

Cause skin burns: Apple cider vinegar is strongly acidic and may cause skin burns. If apple cider vinegar has to treat moles and skin infections, it may burn the skin.

Drug interactions: Apple cider vinegar has several drug interactions; you must consult your physician first before consumption. Examples are diabetes medication, insulin, digoxin, and diuretic.

How to consume apple cider vinegar safely?

Apple cider vinegar is safely consumed by following simple steps:

Limit your intake: Start with minimum amounts and gradually increase the volume.

Dilute the concentration: Always consume apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. It reduces the acidity of apple cider vinegar.

Avoid exposure to teeth: Use diluted apple cider vinegar and drink through the straw. Lesser exposure to teeth decreases the chances of tooth enamel decay.

Rinse your mouth: After taking apple cider vinegar, you must rinse your mouth with water. It also reduces the chances of tooth decay.

Avoid it if you have gastroparesis: Gastroparesis may be worse with apple cider vinegar consumption.

Allergic reactions: Apple cider vinegar allergies are rare but must stop if any allergic reaction appears.

How do you add apple cider vinegar to your diet?

Apple cider vinegar has a lightly sweet and tangy flavor:

Make salad vinaigrette: Apple cider vinegar is easily incorporated with salads and makes healthy salad dressings.

Marinade: Apple cider vinegar has used in cooking as a marinade. It is a famous steak marinade that gives the meat a sweet and sour flavor. With wine, garlic, soya sauce, onion, and cayenne pepper gives a luscious taste to the steak.

Sauce: Apple cider vinegar is a delicious ingredient for the tangy sauce. Adding in the tomato-based sauce produces brimming flavors.

Soup: Apple cider vinegar gives life to flavor as added to the soup. It produces a surprisingly delicious taste to the plain soup.

Homemade Cakes and Candies: Apple cider vinegar is a popular texture and flavor enhancer in baking. It can use in making vegan sweet treats without eggs. Apple cider vinegar has used for homemade candies and caramels for extra flavor.

Hot Drinks: Apple cider vinegar makes an alternative hot drink with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients in hot water with 2-tablespoon.


Apple cider vinegar helps you to promote weight loss and provides several health benefits. It suppresses the appetite and provides a quick feeling of fullness. It produces a potent effect on blood cholesterol and sugar level, which in turn help in weight reduction. Consumption of a moderate amount of apple cider vinegar may promote weight loss without any possible side effects and complications. Adding apple cider vinegar to the diet is easy as it's used in many delicious recipes.