110 Ways to Improve Your Body Composition

110 Ways to Improve Your Body Composition


Living a healthy and fit life is not a trend or in fashion but vital. Maintaining your body shape or desire oh have a lean body is not impossible. There are many ways to achieve that by adapting to some lifestyle changes.

1- Use fish oil

Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids- It reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases and improves heart health. It also increases immunity and the ability to burn fat, aiding in weight loss.

2- Stay hydrated

Mild dehydration can affect your mental and physical performance. Water helps nutrients in absorption in the body and regulates body temperature. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily and even more during hot weather and exercise.

3- Do walk

Walking is the best exercise that burns calories effectively and makes you active. Try to walk for at least 1 hour every day. It can be divided into 4-rounds of walks of 15 minutes duration.

4- Shop on foot

Try to do groceries and other home accessories by walking. You may cover several miles in total when you shop on foot.

5- Consume more vegetables

Consume more vegetables and add fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals to your diet. They are rich in water content and help in weight loss. Make the salad with your favorite dressing or grill them.

6- Do intensive exercises

The experts agree that physical activity increases your energy and stamina. Make an effort to exercise at least 3-times a week. But it is ideal to do exercise every single day. Either do walking to and from work.

7- Limiting your workouts to 45 minutes

After the 45-minute workout, anabolic hormones begin to decrease. While catabolic hormones start to increase. To avoid exercise with high catabolic hormones, limit your workout session to 45 minutes.

8- Vary your rep ranges and training loads

Do variations in the reps and lifting loads to avoid getting hurt physically and mentally. It will keep your body fresh & your mind energized.

9- Control your stress levels

Stress makes you fat, creates hormonal imbalances, slows gains, elevates blood pressure, increases chances of developing insulin resistance, and lowers immunity. Manage your stress through meditation and get more sleep.

10- Get more sleep

Get adequate sleep of 6 to 8 hours to improve your body composition. During sleep, our body secretes hormones that affect appetite and repair body tissues. In short, a complete can make you fit and healthy.

11- Set your goals

Set your long and short-term goals to achieve better body composition. Precise your short-term fitness goal in 3 points: specific, measured, and deadline. For the long-term plan, supervise your performance carefully.

12. Jog and run

Jogging and running are simple and great ways to exercise and lose weight. The best thing about jogging is that you need no equipment, just an open space to run.

13- Back to nature

Get back to nature and start growing your own vegetables and fruits in your garden. It is a great way to get organic food, and it burns a lot of calories. Sowing seeds and weeding sure burn up lots of energy when digging the earth.

14- Avoid processed carbs

You must read the labels of the groceries carefully before buying them. Processed carbs are unhealthy and increase your body fat.

15- Never follow fad diets

The fad diets will help you to lose weight quickly. But people have failed to follow these fad diets for a longer time. The weight loss in the short term is due to a reduction in body water weight.

16- Plan your workout

Sweat around the gym and plan your workout with exercises such as the squat, bench press, deadlift, shoulder press, chin up and row. They will engage a high amount of muscle fibers, burn fat and induce an anabolic response.

17- Lift weights

Weight training is very effective in helping you to lose weight and balance your body structure. The poor body form causes weight gain and injuries.

18- Do steady-state cardio

Do steady-state cardio activities for a lean, muscular body, such as sprinting, hill sprints, prowler pushes, and sled drags. These will promote muscle and burn fat at the same time.

19- Never do under-eating

Nutrients are the building block of the body and perform all metabolic activities. Malnutrition can cause chronic metabolic changes and lead to severe medical conditions.

20- Consume carbs on workout days

Your body uses more calories when workout, and your metabolic rate is higher than usual. The ingested carbohydrates before exercise will store in the muscles rather than the fat cells.

21- Drink whey protein after a workout

Lifting weights creates micro-tears and breaks down your muscles. Proteins are the building block of the forces that will strengthen your muscles. Drinking whey protein after a session will give you energy for the next session.

22- Take short rest during workouts

Take short rest intervals during the workouts to promote lactic acid. The increased lactic acid will increase growth hormone secretion. And this will direct burn fat.

23- Use zinc supplement

Zinc is an essential trace mineral with a wide array of benefits. It boosts immunity, increases athletic performance and strength, supports male/female reproductive health, and improves cardiovascular health.

24- Cook your meals

Learn to cook your meal to improve your body composition. Healthy meals are a vital part of health and fitness. Eating processed foods, ready meals, and snacks is one of the main reasons for distorted body shape.

25- Start your day with lime water

Start your day by drinking 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt mixed with water & the juice of 1 lime immediately upon waking. This concoction will nourish the adrenals, increase energy and alkalize the body.

26- Eat more fish

Fish is a very healthy source of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids. Diet high in omega-3 fatty acids will promote weight loss. Salmon contains healthy fats that promote weight loss and improve heart health.

27- Use cereals and dried fruit

Using cereals and dried fruits for breakfast help to lose weight. A National Weight Control Registry study found that people who eat breakfast cereals will lose weight.

28- Eat soup, and stay full

Soup is a fantastic way to lose weight and keeps you feeling full all day. The soup reduces hunger cravings and controls the appetite. Easy to cook and delicious in taste.

29- Low-fat milk

Enjoy your cereal with low-fat milk and reduce a lot of calories. Low-fat milk is high in vitamins and has less saturated fat. It reduces the risk of heart disease and helps in weight loss.

30- Add beans to your diet

Beans are fiber-rich, keep you satiated, and make an excellent weight-loss meal. Beans can stop carbs from breaking down into sugar, which slows digestion.

31- Eat oats

Oats are rich in fiber and low on the glycemic index. They also contain energizing and stress-reducing B vitamins that help break down carbohydrates into usable energy.

32- Drink coffee

Caffeine is a natural fat-burning supplement and helps in weight loss. It increases the metabolic rate by 3-10%. A mug or two per day can be beneficial, but any more than this may trigger withdrawal symptoms, one of which is fatigue.

33- Indulge in dark chocolate

Dark chocolate reduces cravings and promotes feelings of fullness, which may help with weight loss. It also improves digestion which is the key to good health. Also, dark chocolate has the fewest calories and the most antioxidants.

34- Munch on cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is high in protein and calcium, aiding in weight loss. It also slows down the digestion process and keeps you full. You can have a snack of cottage cheese during sessions.

35- Use yogurt as a snack

The yogurt is high in calcium and protein, making it a great weight loss aid. Use it as a snack that keeps you full all day and boosts your metabolism.

36- Spice up food with red chilies

Chilies contain capsaicin, a compound that increases metabolism and burns fat. It also reduces the risk of prostate cancer and promotes heart health.

37- Eat grapefruit

Grapefruit has many weight loss properties, such as being rich in fiber content, which helps promote fullness and reduce calorie intake. Grapefruit contains few calories but lots of water, another characteristic known to help with weight loss.

38- Enjoy lentils

Lentils are low in calories and rich in protein and fiber. It helps in weight loss by reducing your appetite and keeping you feeling full. Also, the soluble fiber slows down digestion and absorption.

39- Eat some nuts

Nuts are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals and help lose weight. The healthy choices are pistachio, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and cashew nuts. Add nuts to your diet as a healthy snack.

40- Eat some bananas

Bananas are good for weight loss because they have fiber, slowing digestion and keeping you full. Green unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which may aid in weight loss and reduce blood sugar levels.

41- Eat lean meat

Lean meats are a good source of protein and have fewer calories. Protein boosts metabolism and reduces calorie intake and cravings. Also, it helps to build lean muscle mass.

42- Avoid bread

Bread contains many calories added to your food without knowing it. It has empty calories, which means energy is not combined with nutrients and vitamins. Ditch the breakfast sandwiches and evening pizzas.

43- Chew more

The digestive process starts with chewing your food in the mouth. Chewing your food at least 25 times will help your GI system. The nutrients from the food will be more absorbed in the body when it is in paste form.

44- Use a good glass water bottle

Stop drinking from plastic bottles and use glass bottles. It contains harmful chemicals and toxins. Some of them can interfere with hormones and may cause weight gain.

45- Snack on dill pickels

Dill pickles are low in calories and help in weight loss. It also contains vinegar, known for its weight loss property. This tasty snack contains only one calorie per slice.

46- Ditch the potatoes

Ditch the potatoes in any form, mashed and baked, French fries, and potato chips. They raise blood insulin levels and trigger your body to stop burning and start storing fat.

47- Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol damages the liver as well as also stops you from burning fat. Your body starts to metabolize alcohol to form energy. And it stops burning sugar and fats to produce energy.

48- Must do breakfast

Start your day with a healthy breakfast to help you lose weight. It is observed that morning meals regulate insulin levels and hunger. A healthy breakfast keeps you feeling full and reduces the craving.

49- Say no to sugar drinks

Soft drinks are high in calories and sugar, which may cause weight gain. Try to use nonsugar and low-calorie beverages. Cutting these liquid calories will surely give you results.

50- Snack between meals

Eating a snack between meals will keep you from overeating at lunch and dinner. A healthy snack will keep you satiated and curb the cravings. And it ultimately aids in weight loss.

51- Skip the appetizers

If you are eating at the restaurant, skip the regular appetizer and order a side salad or meat or vegetable-only dish. In this way, you cut the extra calorie intake.

52- Buy small plates

It is a bit psychological factor if you fill a small plate with a smaller portion of food that looks enough. Your mind tells you that you have enough food and take less food.

53- Do portion sizing

Try to divide your meal into small portions consisting of six or three parts. The studies show that a person taking small servings of food feels full and satisfied compared to a person having a full meal.

54- Be a fiber friend

The fibers provide the feeling of fullness, increase transit time and nutrient absorption, and prevent constipation. They reduce calorie intake and control the appetite, ultimately amid weight loss.

55- Drink water before meals

Drinking water before meals can help in weight reduction. The water will take up room in your stomach, making you feel fuller and reducing your appetite.

56- Add more protein

Protein is essential for growth and development and is effective in weight reduction. Protein produces the feeling of fullness and reduces hunger as it affects body metabolism.

57- Vitamin D

Vitamin D is directly associated with weight, depression, and bone density. It helps to burn fat and reduces weight with an appetite-suppressing effect. Get Vitamin D naturally from the sun, salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, milk, yogurt, and orange juice.

58- Say No To Sugar

All kinds of sugar are associated with an increase in weight. A high level of blood sugar and insulin resistance can interfere with Leptin. A hormone responsible for energy regulation and decreases hunger. Use the natural sweetening agent honey instead of sugar.

59- Keep the record

Start to weigh yourself daily and keep the record in writing, and this will encourage you that what you have achieved yet. Weigh regularly helps you to control your daily calorie intake.

60- Use good fats

Use good fats in your meals, like unsaturated fats (canola oil, extra virgin olive oil), instead of typical cooking oil. These unsaturated fats help you in weight loss to feel full longer.

61- Go for probiotics

Probiotics improve your digestion and reduce your body weight effectively. Recent research shows probiotics can affect weight, fat mass, and mood. You can use natural probiotics like yogurt, miso, kombucha, and kefir.

62- Eat healthy snacks

Eat healthy snacks like chia seed pudding, canned salmon or sardines, hard-boiled eggs, mixed nuts, oranges, bananas, carrots and broccoli, yogurt, and dates or purines. These snacks can make you feel full.

63- Challenge yourself

Challenge yourself to run farther in the same amount of time. Try to break your own record to burn more calories. It keeps you motivated and makes you feel fresh and energetic to do more.

64- Do versa climber

VersaClimber works all the body's major muscles in one safe, smooth rhythmic motion. It's estimated to burn between 300 and 800 calories in one 30-minute session.

65- Reduce screen time

Reduce your screen time and count the hours you spend in front of the TV. It is observed we eat more while watching our favorite shows. Save your time and spend it walking outdoors or sweating around the gym.

66- Join the league

Sign up for a sport such as a softball, soccer, or even kickball. You will automatically schedule exercise sessions. You are part of a team and have peer pressure to show your performance.

67- Brush your teeth

A recent Japanese study of 14,000 people shows that men who brushed their teeth were leaner than men who did not. It reduces the cravings for snacks.

68- You can do it

Never give up, believe in yourself, and be determined that someday you may achieve your desired weight. There will be some days when you feel you give up, but you have to fight back.

69- Check your progress

Maintain a journal or put markings on the calendar. Mark with red when you do cheating or do not do training. It brings a complete picture of your progress and shows your achievements.

70- Plan your meals

Plan your meals and do pre-preparations to save your time and energy. You always don't have enough time to do groceries because life is fast with a job. Try to prepare the weekly meal in small portions.

71- Avoid emotional eating

Emotional eating comes in many forms but is most common when feeling depressed or suffering from anxiety. People eat more when they are depressed, which causes weight gain.

72- Eat when you are hungry

Eat when you are hungry but avoid bingeing on the food. Consume small, planned meals throughout the day, and plenty of exercises help reduce cravings and binge eating.

73- Never deprive yourself of your favorite food

It is a controversial way of weight loss, but it is very effective. If you restrict your favorite food, you have more cravings for that. So it is ok to treat yourself once or twice a week.

74- Remember you are the master of your plate

Always remember you are the master of your plate and can control whatever you eat. Make healthy choices to achieve your desired weight.

75- Questioning yourself

When you crave food, ask yourself if you really need to eat that. It sounds wired, but it sure works and reduces your appetite. Sometimes we only eat food because others are eating too.

76- Never overthink about food

Thinking about what you eat will help you control your food intake. But if you overthink, food makes you hungry and increases calorie intake.

77- Stop eating when you are full

It is ok to leave some food on the plate and save it for the next day. You learn to stop eating when you feel full. It helps you to avoid overeating.

78- Learn to forgive yourself

Many people punish themselves as they do cheat on their diet plan. Learn to forgive yourself and move on to carry out your diet plan. Focus on your goal and try not to be tempted next time.

79- Exercise regularly

Try to do exercise daily to achieve your desired body composition. Doing a little exercise every day is the best way to stay fit. Exercising for one hour also helps in weight loss.

80- Do variations in your diet

Eating the same things may lead to snacking or lacking interest in eating. Do variations in your diet to make it more appealing and luscious for your taste buds.

81- Lift weights with a tempo

A tempo has been used to build muscle, maintain strength, and burn extra fat. Try a rep range of 10-12 and lower the weight over 4 seconds for each rep.

82- Train with chains

The chains will force you to lift hard and fast to complete the rep. For speed training, do 5-10 sets of 1-3 reps. Do variations with the squat, bench, and deadlift.

83- Perform farmer's carry

The Farmer's Carry is a conditioning exercise in that you hold a heavy load in each hand while walking for a designated distance. This whole-body exercise hits most of the major muscle groups.

84- Use green drinks

Alkalize your body with green drinks to speed up your metabolism and help burn calories. Also, they are rich in minerals and vitamins and detoxify to keep you fit.

85- Try a 10 – 8 – 6 – 15 Rep Scheme

Vince Gironda's introduction involves performing three sets of progressively heavier weights and lower reps,10,8,6, followed by a lighter pump set with 15-reps.

86- Exercise blindly

When using the elliptical trainer, close your eyes and try letting go of the handles. Without the visual feedback, your core muscles will have to work harder to keep you balanced, burning more calories.

87- Take bigger steps

When using the stair climber, skip one out of every five steps. Then take one giant footstep to get back to your walking pattern. This step recruits additional muscle, accelerating weight loss.

88- Never do static stretching

Never do static stretching before you work out increases the chances of injury and reduces force. It is better to do dynamic stretching and move into your warm-up sets.

89- Do cardio after lifting

If you do cardio first, it consumes much energy for your anaerobic work. It fatigues the muscles before their most strenuous activity. Do cardio after the lighting to perform with great speed and intensity.

90- Limit to 8 Reps when performing leg curls

Limit your reps to 8 and below when you are doing leg curls. The hamstrings are mainly composed of fast-twitch muscle fibers that can easily be injured.

91- Switch directions

Switching directions on the elliptical trainer will boost your fat-burning efforts. Ride for 30 seconds, then immediately reverse your order and ride for 30 seconds in the opposite direction.

92- Use dark fruits

Berries are a low-calorie food that aids in weight loss. They are rich in high water content and have the lowest Glycemic index of all fruits. Berries can make great snacks and keep you full.

93- Eat the biggest meal before you lift

Eat the most significant portion of the meal the day you lift. In this way, you burn more calories than usual. The researchers at the University of Nevada found it takes 73 percent more calories to process that food after a weight-training session.

94- Drink glutamine

The decreased levels of Glutamine can produce muscle soreness. Drinking Glutamine supplements after your workout will accelerate glycogen re-synthesis and recovery rate.

95- Increase the incline

Always walk or run on at least a 1 percent incline treadmill grade. It provides better adjustment and is nearly equivalent to outside running.

96- Take vitamin C

Vitamin C catalyzes fat molecules to generate energy. A low level of Vitamin C can increase fat reserves and waist circumference. Try taking 2-4 grams per day, a gram or 2-post-workout.

97- Do single arm/leg lifts

Single-arm or leg lifts are a great way to work on muscular imbalances while strengthening your core.

98- Cycling your calorie intake

Eating fewer calories and more the next day will keep your metabolism high. You can burn more calories and body fat by cycling your calorie intake.

99- Run hills to lose fat and improve body composition

Hill sprints are another beneficial way to lose fat. Start by running up a hill (15 – 20 yards) at around 50% exertion. Gradually increase intensity throughout 10 sets, ensuring the last 2 are 100%.

100- Do sprint intervals

Try a 2-to-1 work-to-rest ratio. Do sprint two times longer than you rest. So if you run a 150-yard sprint within 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat this 3-7 times.

101- Pair upper and lower body exercises

Try pairing upper & lower body exercises. It allows you to lift relatively heavy while lowering the rest you need between sets.

102- Shop for one

If you have to buy cookies, chips, or other processed junk foods, buy the single-serving package rather than the large bag. This way, you eat less serving and minor damage to your waistline.

103- Change your exercises every 6 sessions

It is good to change exercises every 6-sessions to keep your body from adapting and fat loss progress slow. Our bodies adapt quickly to new stresses; switching workouts is a better way to keep the process moving.

104- Row to the sky

After every 10-reps on the rowing machine, lift the handles straight up over your head without bending your elbows for two consecutive repetitions before returning to rowing form. It works on your shoulders, back harder, and legs.

105- Do not train in strength and cardio at the same time

Do not train strength and cardio simultaneously as they work against one another. Train on the day when you want to increase your stamina.

106- Outdo yourself

Do exercise on the rowing machine with workout intervals. Row for 60 seconds, note the distance, then rest for 60 seconds. Repeat only this time, row for 55 seconds, and try to match or better cover the distance from the first time. Continue until you beat your first distance.

107- Train with thick bar/handle implements

Training with a thick bar or handled implements is a quick and cost-effective way to build muscles. Increasing the bar/handle's diameter will stimulate muscle activation in the hands, forearms, upper arms, and entire body.

108- Take BCAA's while you workout

BCAA's are an essential supplement for building muscle. Research indicates that branch chain amino increase muscle and energy production while exercising.

109- Reduce the amount of time on your cell phone

Research shows that cell phones send high radiation levels through your body when near you. Also, it consumes much of your time and keeps you intact and inactive.

110- Do not curl in the squat rack

Do not curl in the squat rack; it is annoying, and many people don't like it. In short, curling in the squat rack is a metaphor that represents ignorance, selfishness, and misguided motives.