18 Essential Steps to Follow Routine Workout to Get Best Results

18 Essential Steps to Follow Routine Workout to Get Best Results


Every man has a different need for a workout. Some need to lose weight, some need to gain muscle mass, and vice versa. Whether you want a leaner body or bigger muscles, a bulkier body, or a trimmer one, every aesthetic changes the body's muscle mass or fat content. What you are doing after a workout matters the most.

Sweating at the gym is hard work, but hard work should pay off. You must adopt some essential steps to make the most of your sweating time. This means what you do after the workout is vital to your training. Here we share a few steps to take when you have a workout routine according to your body's requirements. According to the experts, a workout routine is made based on the following:

  • Weight loss
  • Gaining muscle mass
  • Toning Muscles

1- Stay Hydrated

Our body consists of 90% of water. Water is essential for the body's organs to perform normally. If the body is devoid of water, it can provoke many problems. When you work out, your body loses much water in sweat. Please take care of it. Water is an essential part of the metabolism; without water, the metabolism gets affected and can lead to many diseases like renal failure or hepatic diseases like jaundice.

2- Stretching

After a workout, stretching is the cherry on top. After a good workout, stretching the body is very important. Stretching can make the body lose; it will let the body relax. It is advised that to avoid sore muscles, you should do a little stretching after the workout. The soreness of the muscles is a big concern because they might limit your exercise the next day or more than one day.

3- Cool Down Yourself

Cooling down yourself means finishing your workout with a cool-down exercise. It will let your heart come to normal and normalize the heartbeat. This can help to prevent stress and injury. It is not advised to finish the workout with an intense exercise, you should bring your body back to normal, and it is helpful medically.

4- Eat Healthy

Suppose you are putting so much into your body. It would be best if you looked after what you are putting in it. A healthy diet will include all three constituents of food: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. To achieve the best result in your workout routine, you should take the constituents in a balanced way.

5- Take A Shower

After a workout, don't forget to shower. The reason is to avoid any infections or rash as a result of bacteria from the sweat. If sweat is left unattended, it can attract many bacteria causing an infection. The infection can be harmful to your skin as well as your body. It is also recommended to take a cool shower. A cool shower will ease muscular pain and prevent inflammation.

6- Change Your Gym Clothes

Finished with your workout? Don't be too lazy, and change your workout clothes. If you habitually stay in the same clothes, you will surely get skin conditions like a rash or worse. The sweat at the gym clothes is favorable for the growth of bacteria on your skin. If the bacteria get good conditions, they spread vastly and cause infections.

7- Avoid Heavy Chores

After a workout, you might feel energized enough to start heavy chores at home. But experts advise not to do heavy tasks like yard work, ironing, or bathroom cleaning. After a workout, bending the back can become an injury. After a heavy exercise, it is recommended to let your muscles breathe. The muscles are sore after a workout and they cannot perform heavy-duty cleaning or other heavy housework.

8- You Need Foam Rolling

Try some foam rolling or a massage when you are done with your workout. Foam rolling will help your body relax the muscles and calm the body. The rolling will ease your muscle soreness.


The weight loss workout routine is different. The training mainly includes less weight lifting and more repetition. To lose weight, muscle mass is also essential. The more muscle mass you have in your body, the more calories you can burn with the same workout. When you focus on losing weight, you focus on cutting calories and increasing exercise.

9- Don't Skip Meals

Metabolism is the key to weight loss. If you understand your metabolism, you can lose weight without going to the gym or following a diet. If you are willing to lose weight, take good care of your metabolism to keep it running. The better the metabolism, the more calories will be burned.

10- Breakfast Is Important

Breakfast is the hearty meal of the day, without any doubt. It is your first meal of the day, which help to kick-start your day. It also boosts your energy and is a kick starter for your metabolism. If you start a workout without any fuel, you will likely lose your fats and muscle mass. Muscles are essential to help you lose weight. The more calories you can burn if you have more muscle mass.

11- Food Selection

The food that is going inside matters the most when it comes to weight loss. If you are working out 6 days a week for 2 hours daily and sticking to your favorite high-calorie diets, this will not work. You can lose weight, but the procedure will take much longer.

12- Increase Fibre Intake

If you are willing to lose weight, you should consider increasing the fiber in your food. Fiber can help to improve your digestion, and as a result, it will enhance your metabolism.


The muscle gain routine includes more weight and less repetitions. To gain muscle mass, you also need to increase the intake of proteins in your diet. Muscle gain needs more workout than weight loss workout.

13- Protein Is Vital

Carbs and fats fuel our body, but increasing protein in the food is ideal for losing fat and gaining muscle.

14- Think About Supplements

Muscle is made of proteins, but our body does not make proteins. It depends on the external sources of proteins. These proteins make up the muscle in our body. To make more muscle, you need to take protein along with your daily workout routine. You should focus on increasing the protein content in your food.

15- Be Careful With Carbs

Carbohydrates turn into glucose, and they are the direct source of energy for our body. Too much glucose in the blood cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the condition where insulin cannot convert glucose into energy. This glucose in the blood will make it hard to lose weight as the metabolism is not working.


A toned body has more muscle mass and no fats. Once muscles are made, you need constant work to maintain them. Toning depends on how much muscle and fat the person wants in the body.

16- Do Some Exercises On The Rest Days

Suppose you have achieved your dream body and are on the road to its maintenance. Do not leave the rest days to go lazy. You should do some light exercises on those days so that your muscles remain toned. This also helps the workout session; you will not need more training to bring that heat back during the workout.

17- Take Account Of Your Calories

To maintain your body in an ideal way, you should be careful about the number of calories you are taking in. Dieticians recommend to follow strict calorie intakes in case you want to maintain your weight. Keep a calorie count on what you are eating. Calorie counters are available in the market that has proven to help maintain calorie intake.

18- Intermittent Fasting

When you achieve your dream body and work hard to maintain it, why not try something to let you live your life while staying in shape? The famous intermittent fasting is a go-to when you are keeping your weight. Doing intermittent fasting along with a workout routine has many benefits. If you are working out and fasting, you can eat anything when you are not fasting. Several intermittent fasting methods, including those that go with workout routines, are available. This will make you free to eat what you want while enjoying your ideal body.