40 Body Weight Exercise for Men

40 Body Weight Exercise for Men


Bodyweight exercises are the ones in which the individual trains with his weight without any additional weight. Bodyweight exercises are supposed to be suitable for women, but many are good for men. Bodyweight exercises improve the center of gravity, flexibility, and range of motion. Think you cannot get to the gym for a week or more. Nowadays, the corona situation has closed gyms for quite a long time.

Here are some bodyweight exercises which do not need to go to the gym. Men can gain muscle mass even without weights by only bodyweight workouts. They are advised to be done every day. These workouts can be done anywhere; without equipment, you don't need any gym for these exercises. Here are mentioned 40 bodyweight exercises for men to develop muscle mass that doesn't need a gym:

1- Groiners

Groiners is a lower body exercise involving the glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors. Working on your legs pays the most. Legs are the most significant muscle in the body; they will give you the most calorie burn. Groiners will strengthen your core and hips at the same time, giving you enhanced joint flexibility and hip mobility.

2- Spider Crawls

The exercise consists of crawling like an animal on the floor. The idea is that your knees don't touch the ground. It involves your shoulders, upper back, chest, arms, and lower body muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hips, and glutes. In short, spider crawls involve all of the body.

3- Knee Raises

Knee raises consist of lying flat on the backhands placed by the side and moving your knees towards your chest. Then hold your heels above 2 to 3 inches from the ground and repeat. The exercise involves the upper and lower abs and other muscles like the back, hips, and shoulders.

4- Step Up With Knee Raises

Step up with knee raise is an exercise of the lower body. It differentiates from the traditional knee raise in that exercise; you have to lift up the trailing leg up to full hip flexion. The muscles it acts on are rectus abdominis and can increase the size as well as strength of the muscle.

5- Pushups

Pushups are performed by raising and lowering the body while it rests on the hands and toes. This exercise gives strengthens the core. The muscles involved are the shoulders, pectoral muscles, and biceps. And acts on the abdominal muscles in the lower body.

6- Pull-Ups

Pull-ups involve gripping a surface above your head and pulling your body towards it. In contrast, the body is suspended by the hands. It is an upper-body strength exercise, and the movement is a closed chain. The muscles it focuses on are the calves, shoulders, and forearms. The training is supposed to bring upper body strength.

7- Long Jump

The exercise comprises standing straight, bending the knees, pushing back the hips, and jumping forward while swinging your arms back and then landing in a squat position. The exercise is focused on lower body strength, and the muscles worked are the hamstrings, glutes, hips, thighs, back, and abs.

8- Box Jump

A box jump is said to be a plyometric (exercise that involves force and speed to build muscles) move. It involves jumping on a box, landing at a squat jump, and immediately jumping back up again. The idea is to stretch the muscles even before they contract. This exercise focuses on the lower body muscles like the calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

9- Burpees

A burpee is a strength training exercise that is used in aerobics. The exercise consists of a squat thrust with an additional stand between the reps. It is a full-body workout focusing on muscle strength in both the upper and lower body. It covers the muscles like arms, thighs, abs, calves, hips, chest, and abdomen.

10- Handstand Wall Walk

The exercise comprises putting your hands on the ground, lifting your hips against the wall, and walking your feet on the wall. Hold the highest you can on the wall for 5-10 seconds, then walk back to the starting position. The exercise focuses on the upper body involving the triceps, shoulders, and core.

11. V-Sits

In this exercise, you are supposed to make a V shape by sitting with your legs and torso extended off the floor. Hold your body in this position for a couple of seconds. It is a core exercise and brings flexibility to the body. This exercise is focused on your core, balance, abs, and back.

12- Single-Leg Glute Bridge

The exercise comprises keeping your upper back on the floor and engaging your glutes while lifting the other leg until it forms a straight line. Hold at that point while squeezing the glutes for 1-2 seconds, then lower the back to start again. The exercise engages the hips, glutes, abs, and hamstrings.

13- Inverted Row

To do inverted rows at home, you need to grab a surface like a desk or a sturdy bench and lie under the desk. Then you straighten your legs, lift your hips, and hang while holding the desk with your hands. The exercise is good for your grip and arm performance. It is a core exercise.

14- Close-Grip Pushups

The exercise is the same as pushups. But in this type of pushups, the hands are placed closely, and the arms are squeezed tightly. The abdominals are pulled in and then pressed on the floor away. The exercise is again a core strengthening exercise and is suitable for forearms, calves, hips, abs, and thighs.

15- Pike Push Up

This is again an amendment of the classical pushup. In this pushup, you start with straight knees and then lift the rest of the body. The body is raised to a position where you can peak through your legs. The exercise is good for strengthening the core. It works on the gluteus (hips), glutes, calves, forearms, and thighs.

16- Diamond Push Up

In this type of pushup, the hands are placed even closer, making the shape of a diamond. It creates more pressure on the forearms and the upper back. The diamond pushup is a closed-circuit movement that strengthens the core and involves the calves, forearms, thighs, glutes, shoulders, chest, and abs.

17- Clap Pushups

It is supposed to be the hardest of all types of pushups. In this type of pushup, the exercise starts by lifting the body's weight on the hands and toes. While in the mid, there is a clap; the body is supposed to come down. This exercise is excellent for enhancing balance and integrity in the body. The training needs outstanding balance and integrity and provides core strength and agility to the body.

18- Plank

Plank has been one of the most challenging exercises. It is like a push u, but the one that stays up where the hands and toes lift the body weight. The body should be kept in position for as long as possible. Usually, the experts can pull off a 1-2 min plank. It is a core strengthening exercise. It works on several muscles, including forearms, thighs, abs, shoulders, calves, and lower back.

19- Plank To Pushup

The exercise starts with a plank position, the elbows shoulder-width apart, then lift yourself against the floor from one arm at a time, making a pushup. Maintain your body in a line and repeat. This is a core strengthening exercise. It works on the whole body and focuses on the forearms, calves, glutes, and abs.

20- Handstand Pushup

A handstand pushup is also called an inverted pushup. The pushup comprises a pushup when the body is in a handstand position. The actual exercise is done without the support of a wall. The movement is focused on the upper body and works on the upper body muscles.

21- Sit Ups

Sit-up is a complete body workout. It aims to make the core, strengthen the body, and improve its balance. It comprises sitting and then standing up again in a repeated motion. The exercise demands high stability and balance of the body. It focuses on the calves, thighs, glutes, hips, shoulders, and abs.

22- Mountain Climbers

These are the same as groiners. In mountain climbers' exercise, you must keep your butt up in the air and bring your knees towards your shoulders. It is a closed-circuit exercise. The movement is good for core strength and building cardio endurance. The muscles targeted are the hips, glutes, calves, forearms, and shoulders.

23- Star Plank

A start plank is an improved version of a classic plank. The difference is that in a star plank, you must lay down in a star shape and then pull out a plank. It puts strain on the back and hips. The exercise is supposed to build core strength and balance. The muscle worked off our hips, back, chest, abs, calves, and thighs.

24- Crunches

Crunches are supposed to be the best exercise for abs without gym equipment. The movement comprises laying straight on the floor, putting your hands behind your head, and squeezing the muscles right below the ribcage. It works great if you want those abs.

25- Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunches are an ab exercise that is part of the strength training routine. The movement comprises crunches and bringing one knee forward at a time. The exercise burns off a few calories but works excellent for strengthening abs. It also works on the forearms, thighs, and glutes.

26- Squats

Squats are a core strength training exercise in which you lower your hip from a standing position and then stand up again. Movement is efficient in burning fats and building muscles and core. The exercise focuses on the glutes, calves, thighs, lower back, and hips. It is preferred for building muscle mass.

27- Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian split squat is an amendment to the squat exercise. It is a single-leg squat in which the back leg is elevated on a sturdy chair or bench. The movement is excellent for core strengthening and lower body strength. It focuses on the calves, hips, thighs, glutes, and abs.

28- Pistol Squats

This is a one-legged squat version of the essential squat exercise. CrossFit introduced it, which comprises a squat done with one leg at a time. It tests the balance and core strength of the body. They are challenging but rewarding squats. They work on each muscle from the hip to the ankle.

29- Jump Squats

It is the version of the simple squats added that there is a jump at each standing position in this exercise. They are intended to burn more calories than regular squats and build upper and lower body strength. The muscles focused are the calves, thighs, hips, and abs.

30- Lunges

A lunge is a position in which one leg is forward with the knee bent, and the other one lies flat on the surface. This is a closed-circuit exercise. The exercise is excellent for core strength and balance. The muscles it focuses on are the calves, hips, thighs, and glutes.

31- Rollout

This exercise needs an ab wheel. You are holding the wheel in front of you, and the knees are bent on the ground. Then you extend your arms, roll out, and pull them back towards you. It is good for the abs and focuses on the rectus abdominis, lower back, and forearms.

32- Swiss Ball Rollout

This exercise needs a stability ball. You keep your forearms bend on the ball and knees bend on the ground, then roll the ball forward without sagging the back and then roll it back without losing your balance. It is an excellent workout for abs, forearms, thighs, calves, and hips.

33- Dip

The dip is an upper-body strength exercise. In this exercise, the body is lifted by a surface from a surface held backward, the hands are bent backward, and then you lift your body. This exercise focuses mainly on the triceps, chest, shoulders, and even back. It enhances overall upper body strength as well as size.

34- Suspended Pushup

This exercise is performed on suspension straps or gymnastic rings. The body is suspended on the straps in an angular position, and pushups are performed afterward. This exercise is good for core strength training, abs, and forearms. It is usually challenging to the core and upper back.

35- Prone Back Extension

Prone back extension is done by laying straight on the floor in a prone position. The prone position is not advised for people with joint problems or spinal arthritis. The main focus of the exercise is good for upper back strength and works on your hips and shoulders.

36- Glute Bridge

The exercise consists of lying face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Then you try to lift up your butt from the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders make a straight line. The exercise is excellent for glutes, hips, thighs, calves, and lower back strength.

37- Body Weight Squat

The bodyweight squat exercise resembles the original squat exercise. But the difference is that when you come to the bending position. You pause for a few minutes and then stand up again. It works on core strength, hamstrings, quadriceps, abs, calves, thighs, glutes, and hips.

38- Overhead Lunge

The overhead lunge is a variation of the basic lunge in a way that adds weight to this exercise. In the lunge, the weight is held overhead, and the lunge is performed while holding some weight overhead. The movement is good for overall core strength and increases the power of the legs.

39- Side Plank

The side plank is a modification of the basic plank. It comprises laying on the floor by the side, bending the knees, and then lifting the body by one forearm on the floor. It is a full-body workout focusing on shoulders, forearms, thighs, hips, glutes, abs, and lower back muscles.

40- Spiderman Plank Crunch

The exercise starts from a plank position, then lift your left foot, bend your knee towards your left elbow, tap your left elbow, and bring your right foot back. It is a whole-body exercise; it engages your abs, obliques, shoulders, calves, forearms, triceps, hips, glutes, and thighs. It also improves core strength.