15 Best Ways to Check Your Body Fat Percentage

15 Best Ways to Check Your Body Fat Percentage


Some people who are overweight are healthy as compared to average weight. Only the fat percentage will tell you how obese you are. People with low body fat percentages have a high lean muscle mass. Here are the 15 best ways to measure your body fat percentage.

1- Skinfold Calipers

Skinfold measurement has been the classical and authentic way to estimate body fat for over 50 years. Skinfold calipers measure the thickness of your subcutaneous fat. The fat is present underneath the skin at specific body locations, which vary in men and women and can be at 3 to 7 different sites on the body.

For women

For 3-sites in women, the triceps, the area above the hip bone, and the thigh or abdomen are measured. For a 7-site measurement in women, the chest, place near the armpit, and area beneath the shoulder blade are measured.

For men

For men, the 3-sites are the chest, abdomen, and thigh, or the chest, triceps, and area beneath the scapula. For a 7-site measurement in men, the sizes near the armpit and beneath the shoulder blade are measured.

  • Availability: Calipers are affordable and easy to purchase online.
  • Advantages: Skinfold caliper is the most accessible and portable measure of body fat.
  • Disadvantages: This method requires practice and basic anatomy knowledge. Also, some people feel uncomfortable. They do not enjoy getting their fat pinched.
  • Accuracy: The skill of the person performing the skinfolds can vary, impacting the accuracy. Measurement errors can range from 3.5–to 5% body fat.

2- Body Circumference Measurements:

Everyone has a specific body shape, which varies from person to person. The shape of the body provides information about body fat. This method includes measuring the circumference of particular body parts for body fat estimation. The method has been used in US Army for body fat calculation. It requires an individual's age, height, gender, and body circumference measurements.

For women

For women, the circumference of the neck, waist, and rim of the hips are included in the measurements.

For men

The circumference of the neck and waist is measured in men.

  • Availability: A flexible measuring tape is available quickly and is affordable for this method.
  • Advantages: The flexible measuring tape is cheap, portable, and easily used at home.
  • Disadvantages: Body circumference measurements are inaccurate and may vary from person to person. Because each person has a different body shape causes differences in the fat distribution body.
  • Accuracy: The accuracy has based on the similarity of how people use the equations. The error rate can be as low as 2.5–4.5% body fat, but it can also be much higher.

3- Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

Do you think X-rays are only to detect broken bones? The DXA uses X-rays of two energies to estimate bone density and body composition. DXA calculates bone mineral density, lean mass, and fat percentage in separate body regions (arms, legs, and torso).

During DXA, participants lie on a table for 10 minutes while a machine arm passes over their entire body. This arm emits two beams of a high and low-energy X-ray. The amount of radiation from a DXA scan is low. The amount you receive during three hours of your life.

The technicians can get readings for bone mineral density, lean body mass, and fat mass by measuring the absorption of each beam into parts of the body. Also, the machine individually scans body parts, and the test can also break down body composition per limb. The DXA machine can confirm your suspicions that your right leg is more vital than your left.

  • Availability: A DXA is only available in medical or research settings.
  • Advantages: This method provides accurate and detailed information, including a breakdown of different body regions and bone density readings.
  • Disadvantages: DXAs are expensive and unavailable to the general public. It also delivers a small amount of radiation to the body.
  • Accuracy: A DXA provides more accurate results than some other methods. The error rate ranges from 2.5–to 3.5% body fat.

4- Hydrostatic Weighing

Hydrostatic weighing is also known as underwater weighing or hydrodensitometry. In this method, the operators compare a person's body weight (outside the water) to their underwater body weight. With these two numbers and the density of the water, operators can accurately calculate the person's density.

This number has been used to estimate body fat composition. Fat is less dense than bone and muscle, so a person with a higher fat percentage weighs less underwater. They displace a large amount of water and be more light. First, your weight has taken at dry land, and the air left in your lungs after you exhale is estimated or measured.

Then, you will be submerged underwater after exhaling as much air as possible from your lungs. Sit on an underwater mounted chair and scale and expel all the air from your lungs. You will go lower into a tank until fully submerged. Remain motionless while the underwater weight is measured.

  • Availability: Hydrostatic weighing is only available at universities, medical settings, or certain fitness facilities.
  • Advantages: The method gives accurate and relatively quick results.
  • Disadvantages: This method is hard or impossible for some people to submerge underwater fully. Also, it requires breathing as much air as possible, then holding your breath underwater, which is impossible for many people.
  • Accuracy: The error of this device can be as low as 2% body fat.

5- Air Displacement Plethysmography (Bod Pod)

This method is similar to hydrostatic weighing, but ADP uses air instead of water. Air displacement plethysmography (ADP) estimates your body fat percentage based on the density of your body. Your weight has been taken before sitting in an egg-shaped small Bod Pod machine.

For accurate measurements, you must wear skin-tight clothing or a bathing suit during testing. Then you sit inside the Bod Pod for several minutes and alter the air pressure inside the chamber. The relationship between the volume and pressure of air allows this device to predict the density of your body.

The body density is measured by calculating how much air is displaced in the pod. And from body density, the body fat is calculated.

  • Availability: ADP is only available at universities, medical settings, or certain fitness facilities.
  • Advantages: The method is more accurate, quick, and relatively easy for people than hydrostatic weighing.
  • Disadvantages: ADP is expensive and unavailable for general people.
  • Accuracy: The accuracy is better with an error rate of 2–4% body fat.

6- Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM)

Electrical impedance myography measures your body's response to small electrical currents. EIM sends current through smaller regions of your body and measures the body fat of the specific area. This technology has been introduced recently, and inexpensive devices are available to consumers and are easy to use.

EIM devices are placed on different body parts to estimate the body fat of those specific areas. It is similar to skinfold calipers, as it directly installs on particular regions, but the technologies are entirely different.

  • Availability: They are simply available and cheap devices.
  • Advantages: EIM is relatively quick and easy.
  • Disadvantages: Less information is present about the accuracy of these devices.
  • Accuracy: Limited information is available about the accuracy, but one study reported a 2.5–3% error relative to DXA.

7- Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

The BIA device is the second method that uses electric current to measure body fat. BIA device detects your body's responses to small electrical currents. It has performed by placing electrodes on your skin.

The device has some electrodes that send currents into your body. In contrast, others receive the signal after it has passed through your body tissues. Due to the higher water content of the muscle, the electrical currents pass through the muscles easier than fat.

The BIA is an automatic device that enters your body's response to the electrical currents into an equation that predicts your body composition. Many different BIA devices available vary in cost, complexity, and accuracy.

  • Availability: While many different BIA devices are available to consumers, these may be less accurate than devices used in medical or research settings.
  • Advantages: BIA is a quick and effective device locally purchased by consumers.
  • Disadvantages: The accuracy may vary widely, and the result can be affected by food and fluid intake.
  • Accuracy: Accuracy varies depending on the device used. An error rate ranges from 3.8–5% body fat but may be higher or lower.

8- Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS)

BIS is similar to BIA in both methods measure the body's response to small electrical currents. But, BIS uses a much larger number of electrical currents than BIA. It calculates total body water and extracellular and intracellular fluid volumes and uses this information to predict your body composition.

Both BIS and BIA devices look similar, but they use different technology. The BIS device mathematically predicts your amount of body fluid in high and low frequencies. Some researchers believe that BIS is more accurate than BIA. However, the accuracy of both of these methods depends on how the people developed these equations.

  • Availability: BIS is only available at universities, medical settings, or certain fitness facilities.
  • Advantages: BIS is a quick and easy method.
  • Disadvantages: The consumer-grade BIS devices are not currently available.
  • Accuracy: BIS is more accurate than consumer-grade BIA devices. But with a similar error rate of 3–5% fat to more advanced BIA models.

9- Multi-Compartment Models (the Gold Standard)

The Multi-compartment models are the most accurate method of body composition assessment. These models divided the body assessments into 3-compartment and 4-compartment models. These models split the body into three or more parts.

These models require multiple tests to measure body mass, volume, water, and bone content. This information has been collected from some of the methods discussed in this article. For example, hydrostatic weighing or ADP can provide body volume, BIS or BIA can provide body water, and DXA can measure bone content.

All the information gathered from these methods is combined to build a complete picture of the body composition and calculate the most accurate body fat percentage.

  • Availability: Multi-compartment modeling is only available in select medical and research facilities.
  • Advantages: This is the most accurate method available for body fat percentage measurement.
  • Disadvantages: It is unavailable to the general public. It is more complex and requires multiple different assessments.
  • Accuracy: The best method in terms of accuracy and set as a gold standard for other body fat percentage methods. Error rates can be under 1% body fat.

10- 3D Body Scanners

The 3D body scanners provide detailed information about the shape of your body. It uses infrared sensors to generate a 3-D model of your body. The infrared sensors scan your body and measure the circumference of the different body parts, which calculates your body fat. Many devices are available in the market, and some come with a rotating platform.

You stand on a rotating platform for several minutes while the sensors detect your body shape. Other devices use sensors that move around your body. The scanners estimate your body fat percentage based on your body shape. 3-D body scanners are similar to circumference measurements, but they are more accurate. And provide detailed information about your body.

  • Availability: Many devices are available but are more expensive than other circumference methods.
  • Advantages: A 3-D body scan is relatively quick and easy.
  • Disadvantages: 3-D body scanners are not commonly available but gaining popularity.
  • Accuracy: Some 3-D scanners may be accurate, and an error rate is around 4% body fat.

11- Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI is used to find out the healthy weight of a person. It is calculated by finding the ratio of body weight and height. The BMI is the body mass divided by the square of the body height. The weight is measured in kilograms and height in meters.

The higher number shows that you are overweight, and the lower number shows you are underweight. You can easily find a BMI calculator on many sites.

  • Availability: You can easily calculate your BMI at home. Many BMI calculators are available online.
  • Advantages: BMI is quick, easy, and cheap. You will need a reliable scale for weight and measuring tape for height.
  • Disadvantage: It fails to differentiate between fat and lean muscle weight. And it is not accurate for elderly, pregnant, or very muscular people.
  • Accuracy: It is not precise and has an error rate of 50%of body fat.

12- Waist Circumference

Waist circumference is another traditional method used to measure body fat. It is the measurement taken around the abdomen at the level of the umbilicus (belly button). By measuring your waist size, you can estimate the risk for certain weight-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Excess abdominal fat puts you at risk even if you have a healthy BMI.

  • Availability: The method is easy and done by using a measuring tape.
  • Advantages: It is an effective way to measure fat around your abdomen.
  • Disadvantages: The only excess body fat can measure instead in body composition. And for an accurate reading, you need to know where to place the measuring tape.
  • Accuracy: The method is inaccurate, and the person handling the error is possible.

13- Waist: Hip Ratio

It is the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. It determines how much fat is stored on your waist, hips, and buttocks. The people with a higher proportion who have more weight around the midsection and make an apple shape is at higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature death and people with a lower ratio have their fat stored in their hips and thighs, making a pear shape healthy and at low risk. High-risk ranges for a waist-hip ratio above 0.90 for males and above 0.85 for females.

For measuring waist circumference, you need to measure around the waist, midway between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips. And for your hip, measure the circumference of your hips at the widest point of your buttocks.

  • Availability: The method is simple and done at home using a measuring tape.
  • Advantages: You need a tape measure and a simple calculation of waist measurement divided by the hip measurement.
  • Disadvantages: You need to know where to place the measuring tape.
  • Accuracy: The method is inaccurate, and the person handling the error is possible.

14- Weight-To-Height Ratio(The String Challenge)

The weight-to-height ratio is another method to measure belly fat. Measure your height with a piece of string, then fold the length in half. Now, wrap the yarn around your waist and see if it fits. If not, it means you are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart and circulatory disease. 

  • Availability: The method is simple and done at home using a string.
  • Advantages: Simple and cheap; only a piece of string is needed.
  • Disadvantages: It does not give detailed information on body composition.
  • Accuracy: The method is inaccurate, and the person handling the error is possible.

15- The Thigh Gap Test

The thigh gap test is based on the belief if you can stand with your legs together and see a gap between your thighs, you are slim. It seems like a desirable shape for some people, but not for healthy body weight.

  • Availability: You need to stand in front of the mirror.
  • Advantages:
  • Disadvantages: It May depress you and fit a distorted body image in your mind.
  • Accuracy: