15 Sign and Symptoms That You Are in Ketosis

15 Sign and Symptoms That You Are in Ketosis


The keto diet has gained fame like an overnight star in the past few years. It is famous for being an effective method of weight loss. The keto diet works through ketogenesis, a metabolic process in which the body burns fat to produce energy instead of carbohydrates.

During this process, the liver produces ketone bodies to supply energy for the brain and body. Ketosis has many health benefits, especially for epileptic children, as it helps to reduce seizures. While producing beneficial effects on ketosis health, it may also offer signs and symptoms that characterize the body entering a ketosis state. Some of the signs and symptoms are as follows;

1- Bad Breath

Ketogenic dieters may experience bad breath. The most common side effect of the ketogenic diet is: That ketogenic dieters have a sweet or fruity smell due to high blood levels of ketones.  

The side effect occurs in all ketogenic diets, such as the Atkin diet. In a low-carb diet, the carbohydrate intake is limited, and the body burns fat to produce energy instead of carbs. It initiates the process of ketosis, while the body makes excessive ketone bodies. Usually, ketones are harmless and are released from the body through exhalation and urination.

The ketone responsible for the bad breath is called acetone. The higher levels of acetone excreted through breath and urine make it a sweet or fruity odor. Acetone is an ingredient in some nail polish, so your breaths may smell like nail polish remover. It indicates that you have entered the state of ketosis.

Well, you can use some remedies to rectify the bad breath, such as;

  • Increase water intake
  • Eat less protein
  • Mask odor with mint gums
  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • Slightly increase your carb intake

2- Weight Loss

The primary health benefit of the low-carb diet is weight loss. The ketogenic diet comprises low-carbs and high protein content and induces the state of ketosis. When you eat fewer carbohydrates, your body produces ketones for energy. The liver produces ketones from fatty acids found in food or your own body fat. In this way, your liver burns fat to make ketones.

Several studies show effective weight loss in ketogenic dieters. A 2013 meta-analysis of Trusted Source trials suggests that people following a ketogenic diet may lose more weight in the long term than those following a low-fat diet.

Another study suggests that people on a ketogenic diet lost 2.2 times more weight than those on a low-calorie, low-fat diet. The ketogenic diet promotes weight loss in the following ways:

  • Higher protein intake
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Appetite-suppressant
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Decrease fat storage
  • Increase fat burning

However, ketogenic dieters may notice weight loss in the first few days. But it is typically just a reduction in water weight. More weight loss may not occur for several weeks.

3- Thirst or Dry Mouth

Another side effect of the ketogenic diet is increased thirst or cause dry mouth. It happens because ketosis may reduce the body's water weight. The high level of ketone may cause dehydration or electrolyte imbalance.

There are two main reasons for dehydration or dry mouth. 

  • The low-carb diet induces ketosis, in which the body burn stored fat that is glycogen instead of carbs to produce energy. Each gram of glycogen has stored with 3 grams of water. As the glycogen has burned by the body, you may experience dehydration.

  • After carbohydrate and sugar intake, your pancreas releases insulin to control the sugar blood sugar levels. High insulin levels trigger the kidney to retain sodium and water. While low-carb diets result in low insulin levels, and your kidneys can release this stored sodium and water.

Drink plenty of water and other liquids to prevent dehydration. See a doctor if symptoms of dehydration, such as extreme thirst or dark-colored urine, occur.

4- Increase Urination

The ketogenic dieters often feel the urge to urine. Restricted carbs and ketone bodies are natural diuretics. When the body enters the ketosis state, you may feel excess urination in the first few weeks, which causes more trips to the washroom. Limiting the carbs in your diet may induce ketosis that may, in turn, burn your stored body fat glucogen. Glucogen holds water molecules which then excrete the water from the body. It may affect your health and cause dehydration.

Secondly, ingestion of carbs and sugar triggers the pancreas to release the insulin hormone to balance the blood sugar levels. High levels of insulin trigger kidneys to retain the water and sodium and store them. While a low blood insulin level, the kidneys may release stored water and sodium. You can reduce the symptoms of dehydration by taking the following measures:

  • Keep your water intake high.
  • Check the color of your urine regularly.
  • A clear or pale color means that you are well-hydrated.
  • If you pass dark urine means that you need to drink more water.

You can prevent electrolyte imbalances by eating low-carb foods that contain electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. You can choose salty snacks, green leafy vegetables, salmon, and cheese.

5- Muscle Cramps And Spasms

Along with weight loss, ketogenic diets may produce side effects such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are vital substances that carry electrical signals throughout the body from one cell to another. They are responsible for muscle contraction and spasms. Any imbalance in the electrolyte may cause muscle cramps and spasms. The primary cause of the electrolyte imbalance is dehydration, a common symptom of ketosis.

The ketosis state induces excess urination that may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are essential electrolytes necessary for the normal movement of muscles and current induction. A low blood sodium level forces the kidneys to excrete potassium. It makes muscles more irritable and prone to cramping.

While following the ketogenic diet, make sure you have enough electrolytes intake from food to avoid muscle pain, cramps, and electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes include calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. You can get these from eating a balanced diet. If the symptoms persist, you must visit the doctor for further dietary changes or supplements.

6- Ketosis Headache

Ketogenic dieters may experience headaches, another common side effect of ketosis. They may cause by the limiting consumption of carbohydrates and sugar that initiates ketosis. Ketosis results in dehydration and electrolyte imbalances can cause headaches. Cutting all carbs from your diet can deplete glycogen from your body. It holds water that is released when it is consumed. It results in excessive urination and leads to dehydration. Also, low insulin levels can trigger electrolyte imbalance.

Keto is a low-carb diet that also causes low blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels are one of the reasons for ketosis headaches. Glucose is the primary energy source that works as fuel for your brain and body. The Ketogenic diets drastically eliminate all the crabs from the diet and replace them with fat. It results in the burning of stored body fat, and the process is called ketosis.

This transition into ketosis may stress your brain, which may cause mental fatigue, brain fog, and headaches. These headaches may last from 1 day to 1 week, although some ketogenic dieters may experience pain for longer. You can use the following tips to prevent headaches:

  • Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters of water each day.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a diuretic that may increase the risk of dehydration.
  • Eat more low-carb, water-rich foods like cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, celery, cabbage, and raw tomatoes.
  • Eat more electrolyte-rich foods like avocados, spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes that are high in potassium. And almonds, kale, pumpkin seeds, and oysters are high in magnesium.
  • Consider lightly salting your food.
  • Try an electrolyte supplement.
  • Avoid intense exercise.

7- Sugar Craving

Sugar cravings are a common sign of ketosis that ketogenic dieters may initially face. The primary reason for sugar cravings is low blood glucose levels or hypoglycemia. Before shifting to keto, your body uses carbs as fuel to produce energy.

A lack of carbs in the diet may cause changes in the fuel source for energy production. It may trigger sugar cravings or carbs cravings. Sugar cravings make you feel weak and anxious.

Here are some solutions to control sugar cravings.

  • Try to eat whole food because sugar cravings result from a lack of protein and fat in your ketogenic diet. Whole foods will help you stay full and prevent cravings. Such as whole eggs, meat, nuts and seeds, and fatty fish packed with protein and healthy fats.
  • Engage yourself in an activity that takes your mind off those sweets.
  • Add more fiber to your diet like spinach, broccoli, zucchini, avocado, and raspberries. They keep you feeling full for a longer time.

8- Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common side effect and sign of ketosis shown in ketogenic dieters. Keto is high fat and low-carb diet. The liver needs more bile to break down the fats, and bile is a natural diuretic. The excess amount of bile production by the liver can cause diarrhea.

Meanwhile, diarrhea can also be a side effect of consuming a keto-friendly sweetener or artificial sweeteners. It is necessary to stop diarrhea to prevent dehydration. You may use the following steps to avoid diarrhea on the keto diet.

  • You may need to reduce MCT oil in your diet. Give your tummy time to adjust.
  • Try drinking bone broth packed with nutrients like collagen and zinc. It soothes your digestive system, is easy to digest, and helps digest other foods.

9- Constipation

Constipation is another digestive system issue the ketogenic dieters may face. It causes by less intake of fiber. High-carb foods are rich in high fiber content eliminated from the ketogenic diets, such as whole grains and fruits. When you follow the keto diet, your body must adjust to digesting a lot of fat. Your gut can take a while to get used to breaking down more fat.

Constipation on the keto diet can easily be prevented by following.

  • Boost your fiber intake through keto-friendly foods like flaxseed, avocados, cauliflower, and chia seeds.
  • Go on brisk walking after a meal.
  • Drink more water.

10- Apettite Suppression

The ketogenic diet reduces weight by making people eat fewer calories and control their hunger. Controlling appetite is the most effective method found for weight loss in a short time.

The ketogenic diet comprises highly satiating whole foods like meat, fish, cheese, and low-carb vegetables. They keep you full for longer, making you feel less hungry. Also, it stimulates the body to use ketone as a fuel instead of sugar.

When you achieve ketosis, you feel more energized for a longer time between meals. You may skip the meal because you do not feel hungry. Your body uses ketones as fuel and produces sugar by gluconeogenesis. The change in appetite is due to a change in the eating pattern. In the keto diet, you eat more fiber and protein, highly satiated substances.

Also, ketosis is the main reason for appetite suppression. The body uses more efficient energy sources when ketosis begins than sugar (fat and ketones). With a higher availability of efficient fuel sources and an increased ability to use them, your body will require fewer calories to sustain itself. It causes less hunger between meals and a reduced appetite.

11- Short-Term Fatigue

The ketogenic dieters may feel more tired and weaker during the first few weeks. The main reason for this fatigue is shifting the body from burning fat to burning fat for energy production. Carbohydrates are quick energy boosters and give instant power to the body.

Keto flu is another side effect of ketosis, which can cause fatigue. Keto flu is a collection of symptoms like headaches, tiredness, brain fog, sore throat, and muscle soreness. These flu-like symptoms may start on the first or second day of doing keto. It is your body's withdrawal reaction to carb restriction in your diet.

After a few weeks, your body adapts to carb restriction and ketone burning you will experience high energy. It usually takes 7–30 days before you are in full ketosis. To prevent fatigue in the meantime, stay hydrated and consume plenty of electrolytes.

12- Increased Focus And Energy

Ketosis may exhibit some health benefits, such as increased focus and energy. In the initial phase of the ketogenic diet, people complain about headaches and concentration difficulties. But as time pass, they observe better clarity and focus. After a few days or weeks, you get into ketosis the liver starts pumping out ketones regularly. A large part of your brain starts burning ketones instead of glucose.

The mental and physical fogginess will drift away and replace by more energy and mental clarity. Ketones are a potent fuel source for your brain. Ketones are tested and used to treat brain diseases and conditions such as concussion and memory loss. According to a 2018 systematic review, people with epilepsy who follow the ketogenic diet report better alertness and attention. Also, these people showed greater vigilance in some cognitive tests.

Also, eliminating carbs can help control and stabilize blood sugar levels. It may further increase focus and improve brain function. So it is no surprise that long-term ketogenic dieters often report increased clarity and improved brain function.

13- Insomnia

The ketogenic dieters may experience insomnia or lack of sleep in the beginning. They may find it difficult to fall asleep, wake up in the middle of the night, and not get a whole night's rest. These symptoms typically disappear within a few weeks when their body adapts to ketogenic dieting.

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy and produce an effect on sleep hormones. It helps in the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. It can disrupt your sleep cycle and make it more difficult to sleep. Also, carb restriction causes stress hormones to elevate. It is also the reason for sleep changes in ketogenic dieters.

This symptom will continue for a few weeks when the body's ketone production increases. And your sleep will return to normal as your body becomes more and more keto-adapted. In the long-term ketogenic diet may help you sleep better.

14- Short-Term Decreases In Performance

The ketogenic dieters may experience a sudden drop in physical performance. It is caused by the reduction of glycogen stores in muscles. The glycogen is responsible for all physical activities as it is the core. It is the most efficient fuel source for all forms of high-intensity exercise.

The performance return to normal after several weeks as your body adopts using ketone as fuel. The ketones increase the ability to burn more fat during exercise. A ketogenic diet can maximize performance in elite athletes. It provides sufficient energy by fat burning for general workouts and recreational sports.

15- Higher Blood Ketones Level

Low blood sugar levels and higher levels of ketones are characteristic signs of ketogenic dieters. Following a ketogenic diet, your body burns fat and ketones as the primary fuel sources. It increases the blood concentration of ketones. The higher level of ketones in the blood is the most definitive sign that indicates ketosis.

You can keep a check on your ketones by using:

  • Urine sticks: use these indicator strips to check urinary ketone levels.
  • Breath ketone meter: people can use a breath analyzer to test for ketones in their breath.
  • Blood ketone meter: a home testing kit allows people to measure their blood ketone levels.