25 Foods You Should Eat Every Week to Lose Weight
Weight Loss

25 Foods You Should Eat Every Week to Lose Weight


Are you thinking of starting a weight loss journey? Before you do, you must know how to reduce weight effectively. What can you eat, and what should you avoid? It is crucial to know the answers because it takes you to your desired weight.

Secondly, weight loss is an exhausting process for mental and physical health. Sometimes it is difficult for people to continue their weight loss journey in the longer run. They become tired of eating bland and tasteless diet food, which makes them craving stronger for unhealthy food.

This article may help you to make your weight loss journey effortless. We share a list of the 25 healthiest food that can promote weight loss. Also, these foods can satisfy your tastebuds and keep your hunger at bay.

You can eat those low-calorie and high-protein food in rotations once a week. You may get surprised to learn about these foods. Most are very common and easily found in your kitchen and fridge. We promise you would love to see yourself in the mirror.

1- Whole Eggs

Eggs are a nutrient-dense food that provides complete nutrition even if you need a calorie-restricted diet. The egg consists of two main parts egg white and egg yolk. The white part contains mainly protein, and the yolk contains vitamins, minerals, and fats. Several factors make eggs weight loss-friendly food.

Eggs are low in calories and can control your daily calorie intake. One large egg contains 78 calories. Eggs are protein-rich food, and it keeps you feeling full. The egg provides satiety and makes low-calorie snacks between meal times.

The protein also slightly increases the metabolism, which helps burn more calories. They keep you full for 36 hours when you eat eggs for breakfast and eat less. And they are versatile and easy to make.

2- Salmon Fish

Salmon is a fatty fish with vital health benefits and helps lose weight. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is an excellent lean protein source. Like other high-protein food, salmon fish keeps you full and reduces your appetite. Also, it increases the metabolic rate and burns fats.

Fish and other seafood are high in iodine content. Iodine is essential for proper thyroid function, which controls the metabolic changes in the body. Salmon fish is a heart-healthy fish that reduces LDL cholesterol levels and improves heart health.

Salmon is high in omega-3, is a potent antioxidant that reduces inflammation, and is a key to metabolic disease and obesity. Salmon fish also reduces belly fat and improves the waistline.

3- Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes can help to reduce weight. This statement is shocking as they have a poor reputation and are popular as weight gainer starches.

The white boiled potatoes can serve the purpose and aid in weight loss as they are low in calories and high on the satiety index. Potatoes contain:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Fiber

Potato also contains the compound proteinase inhibitor-2, slowing digestion and reducing cravings. Potatoes are capable of making resistant starch when cooled after boiling them. The resistant starch has several health benefits, like improved gut health, insulin sensitivity, and blood sugar level control. These all are the co-factors in weight loss and management.

4- Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collard, swiss chard, and many others possess vital health benefits, including weight loss. They are the perfect food for a weight loss diet as they are low in calories and nutrients.

Leafy greens can increase the volume of your meals without adding extra calories. They are high in fiber and water, which keeps you full and reduces hunger. Reduced appetite may help in weight loss and management.

Leafy greens are rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant compounds which can boost metabolism and aids in weight loss. Adding greens to your plates makes pleasant changes in your life.

5- Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include:

  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts

These are highly fibrous vegetables with an excellent tendency to filling. Cruciferous vegetables are low-energy density foods and help in weight loss. Research shows that eating 30 grams of fiber daily can help lose weight, reduce blood pressure, and reduce obesity and diabetes risk factors.

Cruciferous vegetables are high on the satiety index due to their high fiber content. It keeps you full and reduces your appetite. Keep the hunger at its bay. They are highly nutritious and contain antioxidants and healthy fats, exhibiting several health benefits, including heart health and anti-cancer properties.

6- Lean Beef

A lean cut of red meat is a rich source of protein and other nutrients required for weight loss. Red meat has a poor reputation and may promote weight gain. But the study shows that food rich in protein helps in weight loss.

Studies suggest that increasing your protein intake by 25% of daily calories can cut cravings up to 60%. It reduces the late-night snack desires in half and causes weight loss of one pound(0.45kg) per week.

The low-carb diet allows the intake of red meat, but a high to moderate-carb diet allows only lean cuts of meat. Replacing some carbs from your diet with protein can help weight loss.

7- Beans And Legumes

Some beans and legumes help in weight loss. These include:

  • Lentils
  • Kidney beans
  • Black beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Soybeans

Beans and legumes are fiber-rich, keep you full, and are more satiating than meat. They reduce appetite and keep cravings at bay. Eating beans and legumes in the meal can prevent the processed snack intake in-between meals and avert weight gain.

Beans and legumes are plant-based protein sources and low in fat. Foods that are rich in protein boost metabolism and help in weight loss. Protein aids in fat-burning and calories and makes lean muscle mass.

Beans and legumes also help to control blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. These two factors play a vital role in weight loss and management.

8- Avocado

Avocado is dense-nutrient fruit with a wide array of health benefits. This unique fruit is rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The avocado contains 7% fiber by weight, which is comparatively higher than other foods.

Foods rich in fiber produce satiety and reduce appetite. The avocado contains soluble fiber, which is beneficial for gut bacteria. It helps improve digestion and gut health and directly affects weight and metabolism.

Avocado is a low-carb food that promotes weight loss. Avocados are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and reduce LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

Also, avocado contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and prevent several diseases, including cancer. Avocado is the healthiest fruit on earth and worth one addition to your meal.

9- Whole Grains

Whole grains are high in fiber and a brilliant amount of protein. The healthy examples are

  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa

Oats are a healthy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast that fills your day with extreme nutritional energy. They are versatile and delicious and smoothly go with different combinations of fruits. Oats contain beta-glucan and soluble fibers that curb cravings and increase metabolism.

Brown rice is related to a healthy eating style. It is highly nutritious and contains many vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are low-carb and high in fiber helps in weight loss.

Quinoa is a plant-based protein high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Quinoa has a low glycemic index and high protein and fiber, making it a weight-loss-friendly food. It suppresses the appetite, keeps you full, and increases metabolism.

10- Tuna

Tuna is high protein and low-calorie fish. It is a lean fish with healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. Protein is the building block of the muscles and enhances muscle growth. Tuna is the first choice for bodybuilders due to its high protein content. It is better to replace carbs with fats and protein for lean weight gain.

High-protein food increases metabolism and burns calories. It may effectively help in weight loss. Tuna also contains antioxidants that enhance immunity and protect from different diseases. For high protein intake, choose tuna canned in water, not oil.

11- Walnuts

Nuts have a poor reputation for being high in fat and may promote weight gain. But they have a satisfying amount of fiber, protein, and healthy fats, making them weight-lose-friendly food.

Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, protein, fiber, and plant-based healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. They make healthy snacks, and a hand full of walnuts can reduce the appetite and curb the cravings. They keep you feeling full and make you eat less, which may help weight loss.

Walnuts are calorie-dense means you may not absorb all the calories in them. This will keeps you full and suppress your hunger. They are low-carb food convenient for snacks for the keto diet. Add these healthy nuts to your smoothies, salads, oatmeal, yogurt, or eat them raw.

12- Soup

Vegetables and fruits rich in water have a low energy density and help lose weight. Low energy density food makes people eat less and reduces appetite.

You can also add water to food to make a soup that is a low-energy-density food. Some studies show that soups make people more satiated than eating solid vegetables. They keep you full, and you eat less.

Eating low-calorie soup before a meal has been observed to decrease calorie intake. It helps in weight loss. The data shows 20% less calorie intake after consuming low-calorie soup before a meal. You can make low-calorie soup with broth-based or puree with yogurt.

13- Chilli Pepper

It is surprising how a common specie present in our kitchen help in weight loss. Chilli pepper or cayenne pepper is a natural herb that may help weight loss. It may burn calories, speed up the metabolism, and curb cravings.

Chili pepper contains capsaicin, which is responsible for calorie burn and reduces appetite. The proponents of capsaicin claim it boosts metabolism, reduces fat tissue, provides satiety, and fights against inflammation.

Researchers suggest that capsaicin is a thermogenic chemical. When eating chili pepper causes a rise in body temperature. The body goes into cooldown mode and may burn calories. However, regularly eating chili pepper may produce tolerance and won't affect weight loss.

14- Cottage Cheese

Dairy products are high in protein which makes them weight-loss-friendly food. Cottage cheese is a low-calorie cheese with a mild flavor. Cottage cheese has packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Eating cottage cheese is a smart way to enhance protein intake with fewer calories. The cottage cheese provides satiety and keeps you feeling full. The feeling of fullness may reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. Cottage cheese makes a healthy, low-calorie snack that keeps you full.

One study followed people who maintained high protein diet with cottage cheese for one year. The results show a weight loss of 6.2 pounds(2.8kg) in women and 3.1 pounds (1.4kg) in men. Also, it is rich in calcium, which helps in weight loss. It accelerates fat loss and reduces fat accumulation.

15- Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are tiny in size but have enormous nutritional values. They are low-carb and the most fibrous food on the planet. Chia seed contains high fiber and protein content that may help weight loss.

Its soluble fiber may absorb a large amount of water and expand it into the stomach. It increases the fullness and slows down the absorption of food. It reduces food intake and helps in weight loss.

Chia seed is high in protein which also may aid in weight loss. The protein boosts metabolism and burns fats. One study shows that eating chia seeds in breakfast produces satiety and reduces food intake.

16- Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has had magical health benefits and has been used as a tonic for thousands of years. It's used in condiments like salad dressing or vinaigrette, or some people drink it diluted in water.

The proponents of apple cider vinegar claim that drinking apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before a meal helps weight loss. It reduces calorie intake and reduces appetite. It produces a feeling of fullness that helps in weight loss.

The main component of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, known for its magical effects on weight loss. Acetic acid aids in weight loss by several means. It reduces fat storage, boosts metabolism, burns fats, suppresses appetite, and decreases insulin levels.

17- Watermelon

The refreshing watermelon is not only delicious but also helps in weight loss. It contains 90 percent of the water of its weight. It is low in calories 100gm serving contains only 30 calories. It has also packed with an amino acid, arginine that helps burn fat.

Watermelon is rich in water, and little fiber improves digestion. Proper digestion is essential for weight loss and management. Watermelon may help to promote regular bowel movements.

The watermelon keeps you hydrated and satiety at the same time. The watermelon makes you feel full and is a healthy option for a snack. It reduces the appetite and curbs hunger. It also helps to cleanse toxins and improves heart health, skin, and hair.

18- Coconut Oil

Not all oils and fats are weight gainers, but some oils may contribute to weight loss. The oils containing medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) may help shed pounds and increase the feeling of fullness. Coconut oil is rich in MCTs and helps in weight loss.

Coconut oil produces a feeling of fullness and regulates the appetite. Many people add coconut oil to their meals to shed weight. A 4-week study of 20 obese adults who take daily 2-tablespoons of coconut oil(30ml) shows a significant reduce belly fat.

Coconut oil is high in calories and adds calories to your meals. But you can replace some fats and oils with coconut oil in small quantities to increase the taste and have satiety.

19- Apples

Apples are popular fruits that help in weight loss. The water-rich food produces filling and lowers the calorie density of the food. A medium-sized apple contains 95 calories and plenty of water and fiber. Several studies show that foods with low-calorie density produce a feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake, which may lead to weight loss.

A medium-sized apple may contain 4grams of fiber. Eating fiber may slow down the digestion of food and produce fullness with fewer calories. Fiber also improves digestive health and friendly gut bacterial flora.

The apples make you satiety with few calories that may help to reduce appetite and result in weight loss. They are convenient, inexpensive, and make super-portable snacks. They can add to salads, soups, smoothies, and topping on toast.

20- Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a superfood and exhibit several health benefits, including weight loss. The best plant-based replacement for meat is packed with a wide array of vital nutrients. The portobello mushroom makes a delicious hamburger without meat.

Mushrooms are low-calorie food with high protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Recent studies show people feel fuller for longer after eating mushrooms. It may reduce the appetite and keep the cravings at bay.

Mushrooms are an excellent source of plant-based proteins. They help to boost the metabolism and burn calories and fats. Mushrooms are a healthy addition to low-carb plant-based diets. They are versatile and make a variety of luscious dishes.

21- Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a weight-loss-friendly fruit. It is high in nutrients and low in calories. Grapefruit has several properties that aid in weight loss, especially fiber content. Grapefruit contains 2 grams of fiber. The fiber content promotes fullness and reduces calorie intake.

One study of 91 obese subjects who eat grapefruit shows significant weight loss compared to others who don't eat. The eating group shed 3.5 pounds (1.6kg) in 12 weeks. And the group participants who didn't eat grapefruit shed less than 1 pound (0.3kg) on average.

Grapefruit contains high water content, which also makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Water-rich food provides satiety and lowers the calorie density of the food. It means the small amount of food keeps you full.

22- Full-Fat Yogurt

Yogurt is a fermented dairy product enjoyed as breakfast and a snack worldwide. It is associated with bone health and digestive benefits. It is plus connected to weight loss and has different claims for it.

Yogurt is a dairy product that contains a high amount of calcium. Calcium is known for its weight loss property. A study suggests that dietary calcium aid in weight and fat loss in children, post-menopause women with obesity, and men with type-2 diabetes. Calcium produces thermogenesis which burns fat and helps in weight loss.

Yogurt is protein-rich food and promotes weight loss in many ways. It boosts metabolism and burns calories. It keeps you feeling full and regulates the hunger hormones that suppress the appetite.

23- Pistachios

Pistachios are not just tasty nuts, but they are super healthy. Nuts have a bad reputation for having high-fat content that scars people from them. Despite being nuts, pistachios are low in calories and high in protein. Pistachios are loaded with a large pack of nutrients.

Pistachios are the lowest-calorie nut among the others. One ounce of pistachios contains 159 calories relatively, lower than almond contains 185 calories. Pistachios are the best source of plant-based protein. It has 21 percent of protein of the total amount weight of the whole nut.

Pistachios make healthy snacks and toppings for your low-calorie sandwiches and salads. They keep you fell and curb the cravings that may result in weight loss.

24- Teas

How about shedding pounds while drinking your favorite beverage, tea? Yes, different types of teas may help in weight loss. Teas are rich in flavonoids called catechins, which boost the metabolism and burn fats.

This popular beverage ranges from black to white and oolong to green and exhibits numerous health benefits, including weight loss. Teas are rich in caffeine, a thermogenic compound that promotes fat burn. It stimulates thermogenesis, a process by which the body generates heat and energy from digesting food. Caffeine may reduce the appetite and feeling of hunger for a brief time.

Green tea gained popularity in a few years due to its magical effect on weight loss. It contains many catechins known for their high metabolic rate and increased fat-burning properties.

25- Dark Chocolate

You can eat chocolate while you are on a diet; it seems to be a joke. But dark chocolate may aid in weight loss by several means. It improves insulin sensitivity, reduces hunger and appetite, and enhances mood.

Dark chocolate is low-carb and high in fats and is used as a snack on the keto diet. Studies suggest that dark chocolate may reduce cravings and enhance feelings of fullness. In one study, 12 women show that eating dark cholate may reduce their appetite and ghrelin levels. The hormone ghrelin stimulates hunger.

Dark chocolate may positively affect mental and mood, which may help promote weight loss. It can assure you that you are doing well best to lose weight.