15 Health Benefits of Celery Juice

15 Health Benefits of Celery Juice


Celery juice gaining popularity in the past few years due to its magical effects on weight and skin. Celery juice is high in essential nutrients and exhibits many health benefits. The celery plant and its seeds provide abundant vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Celery juice may help with weight loss, improve heart and liver health, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, acne, and many more.

Nutritional Value:

Celery juice packs a wide array of nutrients. 1 cup (240 mL) of celery juice provides:

  • Calories:5
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbs:5 grams
  • Sugar: 5 grams
  • Calcium: 8% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 5% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Sodium: 9% of the DV
  • Vitamin A: 7% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 16% of the DV
  • Vitamin K: 74% of the DV

Celery juice is also rich in other nutrients, such as zinc, copper, folate, biotin, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

How to Make Celery Juice?

You can enjoy the celery juice benefits and can make it easily at home. You can make celery juice by using a juicer. It is the easiest way to make celery juice. The recipe for celery juice using a juicer include the following steps:

  • Cut the base and ends off the celery.
  • Rinse the celery in a colander.
  • Feed the celery through the juicer.
  • Serve the juice immediately.
  • Store any leftover juice in a sealed jar in the fridge.

If you do not have a juicer, then:

  • Cut 3–4 washed celery stalks.
  • Blend them until smooth
  • Place a strainer or mesh cloth over a wide-rimmed jug.
  • Pour the liquid into the strainer to extract all the juice.

To enhance the flavor and taste of the celery juice, you can add the following:

  • Green apple.
  • Fresh ginger.
  • Lemon juice.

Celery juice is simply available at the local grocery store. Before buying celery juice, read the labels carefully and avoid those with added sugar or flavorings. Also, you can get ready-made celery juice online.

Potential DownSides of Celery Juice

1- Digestive Issues

Many people report experiencing digestive issues like diarrhea after drinking celery juice. The reason is celery is rich in mannitol. It is a type of sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables. Mannitol acts as an osmotic agent, means it pulls water into the digestive tract and causes loosens stools.

Although these side effects may subside over time, they may be more pronounced among those with underlying conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

2- Increase Appetite

Fiber is an essential healthy nutrient that provides a feeling of fullness and aids digestion. Most of the fiber of celery juice is strained to remove. However, straining may result in more nutrients per cup (240 ml). But, without fiber, your body digests the celery juice quickly, which may make you feel hungry quickly.

Replacing a healthy, fiber-rich breakfast such as cereals with celery juice may increase your appetite. You feel hungry and are encouraged to eat more calories later in the day. To avoid this, use whole celery stalks to ensure proper fiber intake.

3- High Salt Content

Celery juice is high in salt. A cup (240 mL) of celery juice contains 215 mg sodium. However, the daily sodium intake for healthy individuals is not more than 2,300 mg. And a glass or two of celery juice can help significantly to this limit.

Also, the celery juice diet may risk your sodium intake because it recommends a large amount of juice daily. Some studies suggest that high sodium intake can cause an increase in blood pressure levels, particularly in those people who are sensitive to the effects of salt.

Thus, people on salt-restricted diets may wish to avoid celery juice. Also, people with high blood pressure may need to moderate their intake of celery juice and other sodium-rich foods.

4- Sun Sensitivity

Celery juice may cause certain skin conditions when exposed to the sun. The reason is celery contains the chemical psoralen, which reacts to sunlight. Consuming celery and other high psoralen foods may increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Psoralen reacts with sunlight and can cause phytophotodermatitis. It is an inflammatory condition characterized by blisters and patches on the skin following sun exposure. Also, cause an increase in the risk of dermatitis, sun damage, and photoaging.

However, sun sensitivity cases were reported after excessive celery and celery juice intake. But it is unlikely to affect those who drink a few servings of celery juice per day. Psoralen-sensitive people may have skin irritations when they touch psoralen-rich foods.

5- A Food Allergen

Some people may have an allergy to celery and experience several symptoms, including:

  • Skin reactions
  • Digestive upset.
  • Respiratory problems.

Sometimes a person may experience a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis.

These deadly reactions are rare and can cause mild to severe symptoms that may lead to death. The person who experiences any symptoms of anaphylaxis must urgently seek medical treatment. The symptoms of anaphylaxis are the following:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Hives or swelling.
  • Tightness within the throat.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Dizziness or fainting.
  • Feeling of doom.
  • Cardiac arrest.

15 Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery juice may provide several benefits when consumed as a part of a healthy diet.

1- Celery juice is high in Vitamin C

Celery juice is rich in vitamin C, commonly known as ascorbic acid. It is essential for healthy bones, teeth, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron and promotes wound healing. Our body does not synthesize vitamin C, but we can consume vitamin C-rich foods to meet the body's requirements.

Vitamin C performs various body functions, such as:

  • Formation of collagen
  • Absorption of iron
  • Maintenance of cartilage and bone.

Also, Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and reduces the risk of several chronic diseases. It reduces the oxidative stress and damaging effect of free radicals and boosts the immune system. Vitamin C helps prevent or delay the development of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

2- Celery juice has high anti-inflammatory effects

Celery juice contains polysaccharides, antioxidants, and phytosterol. These potent anti-inflammatory effects reduce oxidative stress and free radical formation. Celery juice reduces the risk of diseases caused by inflammation, like:

  • Arthritis.
  • Heart disease.
  • Acne.
  • Eczema.

3- Celery juice can aid in weight loss

Celery juice is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense food that may aid weight loss. It is low in calories and provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Also, celery juice is rich in fiber, which may produce a feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake. Drinking celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach keeps you full and reduces your appetite. The fiber in celery and celery juice boosts weight loss.

4- Celery juice purifies and detoxifies the bloodstream

Celery juice may have detoxifying properties as it contains the substance coumarin. Coumarin enhances white blood cell activity and improves vascular health.

Also, the sodium present in celery maintains the fluidity of the blood and prevents the thickening of the blood. Moreover, celery juice contains:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.

These vitamins and minerals are essential for nourishing the red blood cells in the body. Celery juice may help those who suffer from anemia and arthritis.

5- Celery juice helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Celery juice is a natural diuretic and increases urine production. The high salt content of celery juice causes the diuretic effect. It may help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Frequent pee washes out the urinary tract and reduces the chances of bacterial or viral growth.

Celery Juice also helps decrease uric acid and prevent several diseases caused by high uric acid levels. The condition is characterized as Hyperuricemia and may cause gout and kidney failure.

6- Celery juice can prevent liver disease

Celery juice may improve liver health and reduce the risk of liver disease. Celery juice may increase the production of enzymes and enhance liver function. Studies suggest that celery reduces LDL cholesterol accumulation in the liver.

The nutrients of celery juice protect the liver and induce enzyme production in the liver that helps flush fat and toxins out.

7- Celery juice can improve digestion and cure bloating

Celery juice improves digestion by increasing circulation in the intestines and reducing bloating. High salt may cause water retention in the abdominal area and induces bloating. Celery has natural diuretic properties and increases urine production and salt excretion. The excretion of salt and water decreases bloating and improves digestive health. It also cures constipation and puffiness.

8- Celery juice promotes a healthy heart

Celery juice promotes heart health and prevents strokes, plaque buildup in arteries, and hypertension. Celery juice is rich in vitamin K and calcium, both having antihypertensive properties. Calcium triggers a muscle relaxant effect which can control blood pressure.

9- Celery juice can help fight and prevent cancer cells

Celery juice is rich in bioactive substance flavonoids. Flavonoid is a phytochemical found in plants that have antioxidant properties. The in-vitro studies suggest that flavonoids inhibit colon, prostate, liver, and breast cancer cell growth.

10- Celery juice is high in vitamin K

Celery juice is high in vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin essential for bones and heart health. Vitamin K is crucial in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and blood calcium levels.

Celery juice is beneficial for blood thinners and increases blood clotting. It helps produce prothrombin and clotting factor that is important in blood clotting and bone metabolism. Vitamin K can prevent osteoporosis happens after menopause in women mostly.

11- Celery juice can reduce cholesterol

Celery juice is effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that celery juice consumption can help prevent stroke, lower blood pressure and reduce plaque in arteries.

Also, celery juice is rich in coumarin, which has anticoagulant and hypertensive properties. Celery juice helps lower the number of stress hormones in the body, which may also reduce the symptoms of hypertension.

A study using animal models suggested that the antioxidants in celery may be responsible for lowering cholesterol levels by preventing cholesterol stores.

12- Celery juice can reduce high blood pressure

Celery juice contains chemicals known as antihypertensives, which help to lower blood pressure. The compound 3-n-butylphthalide found in celery juice may lower blood pressure by reducing the buildup of fatty deposits within the arteries and increasing the elasticity of artery walls.

Also, celery juice is high in coumarins, which helps reduce the stress hormones that cause symptoms of hypertension. It improves blood circulation, which is essential for heart health.

13- Celery juice can help keep you hydrated

Celery juice can help keep you hydrated and improve your overall health. Celery juice consists of 95 percent water and may help you stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is vital for your body and reduces the risk of many diseases. Staying hydrated can help you:

  • Manage blood pressure.
  • Regulate body temperature.
  • Improved brain function.
  • Nutrient delivery.
  • Waste excretion.
  • Improved kidney health.

A 1 cup serving of celery equates to 101 g, of which 96.38 are water. Celery juice is the best option for low-calorie diets. Provides essential nutrients and helps control calorie intake.

14- Increases nutrient availability in your skin

Celery juice may enhance skin in several ways and increase nutrient availability. The hydrating effect of celery juice may help supply nutrients and remove waste products throughout your body, including your skin. Moreover, celery juice is rich in nutrients essential for skin health, such as:

  • Fiber.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. Vitamin A promotes natural moisturizing and helps to hydrate the skin effectively, giving it a radiant glow. Vitamin K helps protect the collagen in the body and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

In addition, a celery juice pack with several antioxidants helps protect your skin and keeps it younger. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and inhibit free radicals.

15- Celery juice is low in sugar

Celery juice is low in sugar and a healthier option than sugary beverages. A cup (240 mL) provides just 5 grams of naturally occurring sugar. Being deficient in sugar may give benefit your body in many ways.

Celery juice is the best option for a low-carb diet. Soda, energy drinks, or coffee contains up to 50% added sugar. It can add an extra 500 calories daily to your total calorie intake. Therefore, choosing low-sugar beverages like celery juice may dramatically cut your overall sugar and calorie intake.

Celery juice may benefit your skin and keep your skin hydrated and glowing. A high-sugar diet may be related to increased skin aging through a process known as glycation. Collagen and elastin are essential proteins responsible for the structure and flexibility of the skin. As we age, AGEs can lead to saggy skin and increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Therefore, consuming low-sugar beverages like celery juice may reduce overall sugar intake and boost skin health.