What is Pescatarian? Basic Guide of Meal Plan, Food List, Benefits and More

What is Pescatarian? Basic Guide of Meal Plan, Food List, Benefits and More


Are you looking for a healthy plant-based diet but cannot forgo meat and eggs? Well, this diet is perfect for you. The Pescatarian diet is plant-based but also allows fish and seafood. Some pescatarians also eat eggs and dairy. A healthy vegetarian diet mainly comprises whole grains, nuts, legumes, and healthy fats, including seafood, as a vital source of protein. Choosing seafood over meat and poultry may vary from individual to individual. 

Most people add seafood to their vegetarian diet to get heart-healthy benefits. Fish and seafood carry various types of heart-healthy fats that can help prevent heart and other lifestyle diseases. Moreover, besides health reasons, many environmentalists prefer to follow this diet. It helps reduce your carbon footprint. Similarly, others follow it because of religious reasons or because they like the fantastic taste that the seafood lends to their taste buds.

In short, you have a healthy vegetarian diet with many health benefits from consuming fish and seafood. Below we discuss the basic details of the Pescatarian diet.

What Is a Pescatarian Diet?

"Pescatarian" is derived from the term "pesce," which means fish. In a Pescatarian diet, the primary source of nutrition for the body comes from fish or seafood. Fish becomes the primary source of protein for the body. Also, the people who follow this diet prefer eggs and dairy in their meal plans. People often confuse the Pescatarian diet with an all-fish diet, which is not entirely true. People on a Pescatarian diet usually consume about two or more weekly seafood meals.

The rest of the meals and snacks they consume come from plants and vegetables, a Mediterranean approach. People typically follow a Pescatarian lifestyle due to its various health benefits. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests people generally recommend eating at least two fish meals a week. Seafood and fish are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote health and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. Many nutritionists and doctors link chronic inflammation to heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. To put it simply, Pescatarians do not consume meat but do consume fish along with plants. Some people even call it a "pesco-vegetarian" diet. Hence, the definition of a Pescatarian is someone who follows a vegetarian diet by large but at the same time also consumes fish and other seafood. It is a plant-based diet plan incorporating:

  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Healthy fats
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Seafood

Like most other diet plans, vegetarian diets can also vary depending on the individual's preferences.

Why Should Anyone Consider Becoming a Pescatarian?

A person may consider following a Pescatarian diet for several reasons. Below are some main reasons for a person to consider following this diet plan. These reasons vary from being of religious reasons to those involving concerns about health, ethics, and the environment.

1- Environmental Concerns

Some people who are very concerned about the environment shift to a Pescatarian lifestyle due to environmental reasons mostly. In today's time, raising livestock carries a high environmental cost. United Nations has said that raising livestock lends about 15% of all human-made carbon emissions to the environment. However, if we compare this to the cost of producing fish and seafood. The carbon footprint is much lower than that when producing meat or dairy products. A study further proved that in 2014, fish eaters caused 46% less greenhouse gas emissions than the diets of people who ate meat regularly.

2- Health Benefits

There are various proven health benefits linked to vegetarian diets. These include a lower risk of obesity and cardiovascular and chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Researches prove that you can derive many preventive benefits from following a Pescatarian diet since it also incorporates leafy greens into the plan. One of the studies on the Pescatarian proved that the women studied who were Pescatarian gained about 1 kg less than the women who ate meat. Further, the people who moved to a vegetarian lifestyle gained the least weight.

These researches show that reducing animal consumption may be good for you. Other studies also associated Pescatarian lifestyles with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes. Pescatarians were 4.8% less likely to get diabetes than omnivores at a 7.6% risk. Another study showed that people who ate meat rarely or were Pescatarians. It shows that these people had a 22% lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who regularly consumed meat.

3- Ethical Reasons

Ethics is also an essential factor contributing to people choosing to become vegetarians. We can apply the same rationale to the Pescatarians as well. Some of the ethical factors which convince people to go vegan include:

  • Poor treatment of labor and inhumane working conditions: The workers at the factory are not paid well and are forced to work under poor conditions.
  • Animal rights advocacy: Most people do not like to kill animals and consume them
  • Inhumane slaughtering and factory processing practices: People shy away from animal meat consumption because of the low standards of slaughtering and processing maintained at factories and farms. Farms raise and breed livestock in inhumane conditions, making the meat unhealthy to consume.
  • Humanitarian issues: Some people also think that producing fodder and grain for animal feed is not a justified use of land, an already scarce resource. As there is hunger in the world.

Even though reducing or eliminating animal meat from one's diet can help address some ethical concerns. However, aquaculture and overfishing are also some of the issues related to fish-based diets which need to be addressed.

Benefits of Becoming a Pescatarian

Adding fish to a vegetarian diet shows many health benefits. Although many concerns, completely eliminating animal meat from one's diet could result in a low intake of certain vital nutrients. It cannot be overlooked that fish and seafood are packed with heart-healthy nutrients.

Seafood comprises vitamins B12, zinc, calcium, and protein all in one meal which is somewhat impossible to acquire on any other type of diet. Adding seafood to your diet, including fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, provides beneficial nutrients to the body, which are not always possible to consume while on any other type of diet.

1- More Omega-3s for the Body

Eating fish and seafood is one of the best ways of getting omega-3 fatty acids into the body. Some plants, such as walnuts and flaxseeds, carry alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a specific type of omega-3 fat. However, it is argued that ALA does not easily convert to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Which sort of limits its benefits to the human body. DHA and EPA too contribute to additional health benefits by helping out not just the heart but also help improve brain function. Oily fish contains EPA and DHA, suitable for the human body examples are salmon and sardines.

2- Protein Intake Boosts

Research shows that humans need about 0.8 grams of protein for every 1 kg of body weight daily to stay active and healthy. As per this finding, the human body requires about 54 grams of protein if the weight is 68 kg. Some people prefer to keep protein as a significant component of their diet and go beyond consuming the prescribed nutrient quantities. People who aim for a high-protein diet often consume additional carbs, fats, and protein. On the other hand, fish and seafood are rich in lean protein and an ideal source of quality protein for a high-protein diet.

3- Seafood Is Packed With Other Nutrients

Besides omega-3s and protein, fish and seafood are also loaded with several other nutrients. It helps the human body meet its requirement of micronutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and selenium. Oysters, for instance, are loaded with this type of nutrient. One oyster delivers 133% of vitamin B12 and 55% of zinc and selenium to the body.

Mussels are another rich source of vitamin B12 and selenium. It is also packed with manganese and all types of B vitamins. Various white fish like cod and flounder are not as high in omega-3 fats but are an excellent source of lean protein. Three ounces of cod lends about 19 grams of protein and less than a gram of fat to the body upon consumption. Cod is also packed with selenium, phosphorus, niacin, and vitamins B6 and B12, all of the nutrients which are difficult to find in any other food type.

4- Extra Options

Vegans often find themselves being too restricted to eating greens only. Even eating out can be limiting at times as there aren't always a lot of healthy choices, and you do not always want to restore to eating a salad. Becoming a Pescatarian opens up more options and food choices for the individual. You can go for various cooking options with fish, such as getting it baked, grilled, or sautéed.

5- Cancer

A Pescatarian diet allows you to prevent several types of cancers, especially the cancers that have to do with the colon and rectum. According to a study, colorectal cancers are the second most occurring type of cancer in the United States and lead to the most deaths.

6- Diabetes and inflammation

Further health benefits of following a Pescatarian diet include preventing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition that leads to health issues such as:

  • Insulin resistance
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity

Plus, evidence shows that omega-3 fatty acids in the fish help reduce inflammation. Most vegan diets are anti-inflammatory in nature and carry antioxidant agents, such as flavonoids, to the body. A range of anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties are present in flavonoids. A study conducted in 2016 found out upon observing the different dietary patterns of the people in the United States that those following a Pescatarian diet carried the highest number of flavonoids.

7- Environmental and animal welfare benefits

Various people adopt a vegan or Pescatarian lifestyle because they disagree with the hygiene factors involved in farming, breeding, slaughtering, and processing animals for food. These people are generally concerned about environmental and animal welfare. Scientists claim that fish, upon being cut, does not feel pain. Research showed that even though fish can experience stress, they do not possess lack the neural network necessary to experience pain.

The Drawbacks of Following the Pescatarian Diet

Although there are numerous benefits of following a Pescatarian diet, there can be some disadvantages too. When consuming protein-rich food, you inevitably consume more than your required quantity of carbs as well. It is also vital to realize that some fish are high in mercury, which may cause several disadvantages to their health.

Following a Pescatarian diet is not have as many drawbacks as the benefits. However, some of the potential disadvantages of consuming fish in high quantities are as follows:

1- Chance of getting toxins and mercury

Fish contains mercury and other toxins due to water pollution. This holds true, especially for the larger species. For the same reason, health experts discourage young children and women. Especially when pregnant and nursing their babies, avoid certain species of fish, including:

  • Tilefish
  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • King mackerel

Heavy metals and pollutants in seawater fish are a huge issue. About ninety-two percent of the fish consumed by humans is seawater fish belonging to coastal fisheries.

2- You can overeat carbs.

Pescatarian diet is a vegetarian diet primarily. It is easy for the people following this diet to overeat carbs, especially if they consume a lot of processed grains.

3- You may face difficulty in adopting a diet.

Since you shift your focus from animal meat to fish and vegetables, getting used to the initial change is difficult. You need to get accustomed to eating, trying, and cooking new and different dishes. While some type of fish is easy to prepare, others require more effort and training. You would not want to overcook or undercook a particular type of fish. Further, some fish require marination and more cooking time than others. Seafood, such as crabs and prawns, is a different challenge altogether. It is essential to be mindful of how you plan to prepare your fish. You can prefer the following methods of cooking over frying:

  • Broiling
  • Grilling
  • Baking
  • Poaching
  • Steaming
  • Sautéing

Research shows that about 36 percent of people consume fried foods daily. People who eat at least one serving of fried fish or shellfish in a week face a reduced risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.

4- It can be an expensive diet

The Pescatarian diet can also be expensive or difficult to follow for people who do not live close to the coastlines or near fresh waterways. You may find it challenging to access sustainably sourced fish for consumption.

Are Some Fish Better to Eat than Others?

Yes! researchers and various health experts agree that fatty fish are healthier to consume than other types of fish, such as:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel

However, despite this, there is still a space for different species of fish or seafood in your diet. To make your Pescatarian diet more successful, it is always better to opt for what you most enjoy consuming. If you opt for a healthy fish that does not flatter your taste buds, you may end up disliking your meals and ditching the diet.

Most fish and seafood offer a variety of tastes, and everyone has their own safe space and keeps their own preferences. Go for the type and taste of fish that suit your taste buds simultaneously and fall within your budget.

Is a Pescatarian diet sustainable?

Environmentalists see the Pescatarian diet as a more sustainable option than:

  • Factory-style farming
  • Breeding
  • Slaughter of mammals or birds

However, there are several issues with fish farming as well. If the correct balance is not maintained, there can be overfishing, and the ecosystems may be disturbed. Further, even though fish does not produce greenhouse gases, specific fishing farms and fisheries can threaten the water ecosystems. The trawlers used to catch certain types of fish can affect ocean ecosystems too adversely.

Even though some see farmed fish as a solution to over-fishing and depleted fish stocks, it still poses certain issues to the ecosystem. Fish farming, if not done right, can cause the following environmental issues:

  • Cause overcrowding of fish
  • Cause damage to water ecosystems
  • Give birth to invasive species
  • Use wild fish
  • Cause diseases

What Do I Eat on a Pescatarian Diet?

While on a Pescatarian diet, followers can rely mainly on a vegetarian lifestyle with the addition of fish and seafood, such as shrimps. A healthy Pescatarian diet incorporates minimally processed vegetables and seafood and allows room for dairy and eggs.

Listed below are some of the main foods allowed for consumption in a Pescatarian diet.

You may consume

  • Whole grains
  • Legumes including beans, lentils, tofu, and hummus
  • Nuts and nut butter, peanuts and seeds
  • Seeds, including hemp, chia, and flaxseeds
  • Dairy, including yogurt, milk, and cheese
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Eggs Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Tofu

Some of the sources of fish that a person can consume on a Pescatarian diet are as follows:

  • Canned sardines
  • Frozen salmon, trout, and herring
  • Fresh fish, such as salmon, catfish, pollock,
  • and sardines
  • Canned salmon
  • Fresh shellfish, such as clams, shrimp, and scallops
  • Frozen shrimp
  • Canned tuna
  • Fish sticks

Other foods to incorporate into the diet plan are listed below:

  • Cereals including oats, bulgar wheat, amaranth, corn, and rice
  • Legumes, including peas, kidney beans, and pinto
  • Legume products, including hummus and tofu
  • Seeds, such as chia, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds
  • Grain-containing products
  • Pseudo grains, such as buckwheat and quinoa, which are gluten-free

While on a strict Pescatarian diet, especially when one avoids consuming dairy and eggs. And must check their calcium intake and consider taking supplements.

You must avoid

The foods that you must avoid are as follows:

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Turkey
  • Wild game
  • Poultry
  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Deli meat
  • Bacon

A Typical 1-day Meal Plan of Pescatarians

Here, we give a sample of recipes for meals that a person might consider when choosing a Pescatarian diet:


Sardines: Sardines are an excellent source of omega-3s. You can use spinach to make a pesto spread with the sardines. These are excellent sources of Vitamins A, and C. Vitamin C helps increase the amount of iron one can absorb into the body.


Falafel: Tahini with falafel is a tasty and healthy combination for consumption. Falafels are an essential source of plant protein and omega-3s. Chickpeas lend strength, protein, and fiber to the body. You can complement these two with a colorful Mediterranean salad to feel fuller.


Salmon: Salmon is packed with omega-3s essential fatty acids. This fish is intensely flavored and preferred with citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, limes, etc. The addition of citrus fruits add vitamin C and fiber to the body.

Fish to avoid include:

  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel
  • Tilefish

Fish low in mercury include:

  • Canned light tuna
  • Salmon
  • Pollock
  • Shrimp
  • Catfish


A Pescatarian diet can be pretty healthy for you. It is also environmentally sustainable and allows you to avoid inevitable ethical and environmental issues when consuming other types of meat. The diet also has numerous health benefits and provides more flexibility and additional nutrition compared to a standard vegetarian diet. It also allows you more options and makes your eating out more manageable and socially easy.